I - Dark Corridors

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Jungkook ran as fast as his feet could take him. Puffing, and feeling like you are going to cough up your lungs at any minute isn't the best way to be running, here he is. Blood dripping from his head, shoulders and thighs, and tears streaming down his face. The moon was bright in the sky, and all was quiet, besides the sounds of feet 5 running down the road, and heavy breathing. Jungkook knew the 4 people were getting closer and closer to him as he was slowly losing stamina, and was seeing a blurry line in front of his eyes (he didn't even know what it was. Tears? Sweat?). The black haired boy was pretty sure he wasn't going to be able to see the sun for a while.


Jin slowly walked through the cramped, graffitied corridors of the town just for a night's walk since he was feeling up for a walk (this rarely happens), and well, he was up for a smoke (happens a lot). He dragged in the smoke while looking up at the moon. The dark haired male already how dangerous it was for him to be outside like this, and he clearly knew that he had men after him. But he couldn't care less at this moment. He knew he had his gun with him anyway so he was "safe".

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of feet hitting the ground.

He turned around and saw a black haired boy running through the halls of the walls a few corridors away from him.


Jungkook didn't really want to die, or get severely beaten up tonight so he gathered up this pace and ran faster. He decided to turn a corner in order to lose the men chasing him, so he turned right into a corridor. The young male didn't even know where he was going, but he was going to do pretty much anything to get away from his chasers. He kept turning corners, and kept running on until he was suddenly grabbed by the waist into a corridor to his left, and his "captor" pressed both of their backs against the wall (well his captors back was against the wall, Jungkook's back was against the person holding onto him). Jungkook saw the 4 men run straight past them and heard them halt suddenly.

"Where did he go?" One man spoke up.

"Fuck, boss is gonna be so mad." Another man spoke.

"He can't have gone too far, keep running."

Jungkook heard 3 sighs and then the sound of 4 pairs of feet continuing to run down the corridors and hallways. The black haired male sighed thankfully and started to turn around to face his saviour, until two strong hands grabbed his shoulders to keep him faced away from him.

"First. You need to tell me who you are. Second, why you were running away from those guys." The voice spoke up.

'Damn this guy's got a nice voice' was the first thing Jungkook thought, before internally slapping himself of course. He quickly thought about not saying anything, but then realised this guy could definitely throw him back in that shark tank with those 4 guys and put him in as bait on a plate, so he decided against it.

"U-uhm a-alright then" Jungkook said

"My name is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. Uh those guys were chasing me because... well it's kind of a long story?"

"I've got all night" The man spoke (a complete lie but oh well).

"Well I guess in short, my father had a huge debt he had to pay, but then he... passed away, so he left it all on me since my mother is... somewhere and those guys were the people that my father borrowed the money off from. And those guys think I have the money or something so they've been trying to capture me. I don't even have anything, I'm broke, hell, I don't even have a home! Actually, I should have let them catch me! I don't have anything to live for anymore, I'm probably going to starve to death anyway."

Jungkook realised he was rambling on about his life to a stranger so he stopped himself there.

"Sorry, and thank you. You can let me go now, I'll just go my way."

The hands let go, but just to hold onto Jungkook's shoulders again to spin him around to face the owner of the hands. Jungkook looked up to see a man that was... pretty darn good looking. He had broad shoulders, was tall, brown hair, amazing eyes and not to mention amazing lips. He was tall too, Jungkook was so flustered that he went red and couldn't say anything.

"You're not going anywhere. You said you didn't have a home, you can come with me."

Nothing from the flustered little child.

"Did you suddenly go mute kid, say something."

Nothing again.

"Kid, I'll hand you over to those other dudes that would gladly take you if you don't talk to me."

"U-uhm, I-I couldn't possibly g-go with someone I don't even know." The embarrassed boy managed.

"Don't worry kid, I won't do anything. Although that is a little hard to believe... I don't know what to tell you. You either come with me or you don't. So are you going to risk it? Or not? Life is full of risky decisions." The man said.

Jungkook thought about it for a while. The more he thought about it, the more he realised he didn't really have anything to lose, if nothing, so he thought, 'stuff it, lets do it'.

"O-okay sure."

"Nice, let me introduce myself first. My name's Jin. Well real name's Seokjin but call me whatever. Surnames gonna have to wait, safety reasons." Jin winked.

Jungkook couldn't help but blush. He thought it wasn't fair for him to have said his last name but this Seokjin guy doesn't have to. But then again, he is the one that's willing to take him in.

"H-hello J-Jin." Jungkook looked down straight after, poor kid, gets embarrassed too easily.

Jin just smiled and said "Lets go."

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