Frat House Balcony

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"C'mon," she grunted forcefully.

"I can kill you in like, 3 different ways with my bare hands right now," came the reply.



I had forgotten how stubborn Nann-Y was, I soon realised. I sighed as I looked down at the white folds of my dress and felt the stab from the angel wings on my back.

"It'll be fine, Juliet, it's just a Halloween party," says Nann-Y gently, obviously seeing my unenthusiastic face.

"Yeah, says you," I reply, looking over at her pretty, albeit short, nanny outfit and thinly masked, wicked expression.

I knew she was just trying to help me when she did stuff like this, so when she raised an eyebrow in response, I took her hand and we walked out onto the grass and headed towards this frat party.


Being a Capulet, I obviously haven't ever smelled weed before, that is, until now. The odour was unmistakable when it was paired with these people; they definitely played the part. I didn't really mind Montagues all that much, but jeez they had issues.

I stop daydreaming and reach out for Nann-Y's hand but I hit a torso, and it wasn't hers.

Oh no, where is she, where's she gone. I spin around and look for her in the now full room, already feeling nauseous from the smell of weed, sweat and vomit.

I start to get anxious now; we shouldn't have ever come here, it's too dangerous and everyone will find out we don't belong here and now I will spend my time worrying when I could be in my dorm safe and happy.

I nearly deflate from the relief and melt into the floor at the sight. Nann-Y was standing on one of the tables, red solo cups scattered at her feet, dancing in front of about five cheering and hollering guys, with a grin to rival to the Cheshire Cat's.

The room is too small and there are too many people and too much smoke and vomit and couples making out against walls and I need to get out, so I look for an exit.

I spin around again, slowly this time, to avoid becoming nauseous and look for a door or a window or anything that I can use to get out.

I eye a door leading out to what looks like a balcony.

"Good enough," I mutter, and walk towards it.

I open the door and a gush of wind almost makes me fall back, but subsides quickly, so I step out and gently close the door.

I lean on the balustrade and breathe in the somewhat fresh air deeply (there were still smoking frat boys beneath the balcony yelling and joking).

"This is so relaxing, really," I whispered.

"Isn't it," someone I couldn't see sloppily replied.

Just when I though I could be alone. Who's replying to me? Where are they? I turn around to see a mop-like head pop up from behind the railing.

"Who you got up there Romeo?" Another voice sang.

"Just a pretty lady," says this Romeo.

In a matter of seconds, five boys and a girl spill out onto the balcony at my feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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