To Protect and Serve

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Chapter 1

It’s 6am, Cheryl Tweedy is driving at high speed along the motorway heading for work; she loved her work, it was her life and her one great passion. Cheryl was thinking of her day ahead, she had been working really long hours recently, and was desperate for promotion.  Her concentration on the road, and her work was suddenly interrupted by a newsflash on the radio,

‘We can exclusively reveal that global pop-sensation Krystal has just been released by her kidnappers after a 10 day stand-off with police. It is believed that the £5 million pound ransom was paid, and the kidnappers are still at large’.

‘Feck, feck, feck’ exclaimed Cheryl

She was delighted that Krystal was safe, but she was not delighted that the kidnappers had escaped with the money.

‘How the hell did they get away?  WHY DID NOBODY CALL ME?’ Cheryl proclaimed exasperated to her colleague, Nicola, who she phoned      straight away.

‘I don’t know, but you better get in here quick. Hilary is not happy, and has called a big meeting’ Nicola replied, echoing Cheryl’s frustrations. 

Hilary Shaw was Cheryl’s boss, and head of the Serious Organised Crime agency, where Cheryl worked as a detective.

When Cheryl left work last night, it was not by choice. She was literally pushed out of the door by her boss, Hilary after working for 48 hours straight on the Krystal case. Cheryl only agreed to leave as she believed that they had made a big break through as to the location of the kidnappers due to a technical discovery on a live stream the kidnappers had set up, and believed that they would be ready to move in this morning, aided by the firearms unit. The gang of thugs had set up a live stream from the warehouse and sent the link to Krystal’s record company, as well as the media. It was a live video of Krystal sitting on a wooden chair, with her legs and arms tied together with rope, her mouth was taped up, and she looked petrified. Cheryl could not get the image out of her head all night.

‘Krystal’s safe, that’s the main thing’ she tried to convince herself.

However, she knew that as long as these criminals were at large, then the threat remained, and if they had been successful once, it may motivate them to continue with this line of criminal behaviour. 

‘We have to find them’ she said, convincing herself, as she pulled into the SOCA HQ in London.

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