dark ally ways

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It was a dumb idea to go in a dark ally in the middle of the of the night...and on the bad side of town. I mentally slap myself for the stupid mistake. I pulled on my hair lightly and grunted. "Hey there pretty..." sad a ruff gruff voice in the darkness. I turn back,my heart exploding inside im chest. Behind a large green dumpster stude a tall shiny man. His hair was messed up and he had a switchblade in hand. I took a step backward only to find out i hit a large body behind me. I look up to see a huge man grinning down and me. I gulped and he chuckled. I nearly puked at the wiff of his revolting breath. He ruffly grabed the back of my hands and but them behind me. Shit shit shit!! " help! Let me go! Heelllppp!" i screamed. He put a dirty palm over my mouth so I could only produce muffled screams.
"This is going to be fun..." snikered the skinny man. "Oh ya it is.." grunted the large man. He chukled deep in his raw throat as he pulled up my shirt. "Mmmnnnfff!!" ugg help!
Suddenly as if on cue the man fell dead on the floor,a knife protruding from the side of his head. Blood started to poor onto the cold stone ground flooding the cracks. His parter in crime let go of me in shock. I turn around and kick his crotch as hard as i possibly could. He fell to floor in agony. I grabed the knife and dug deep in his chest with the knife. He coughed blood,with ragged breathing he fell and died. I look around only to see another silouet in the street light. I dident even think twice before i took of in the opposite direction. I ran all the ways to my friends, bloody knife still in hand...
(end of chapter 1)

Jeff The Killer X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now