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by Jade Samuels

For Falon Watson

(I wrote this story with the Tenth Doctor. It is sort written in the length of a forty-five minute episode, so it doesn’t just go right by. I made sure it seemed like it wasn’t rushed or anything.)

Shwoom, shwoom, shwoom, clunk.

The T.A.R.D.I.S. landed in a beautiful place in the year 3088, where their world’s greatest amusement park was. It was a planet named Hem, where humans had migrated to. There were also alien species, but not many. Around ninety of the planet’s population was human. 

“Ah, smell the fresh air, Fal!” the Doctor yelled to me as he skipped his way out of the T.A.R.D.I.S. and looked up into the bright sky, squinting his eyes. 

“Yeah, it’s a lot better from where we just were, Doctor.” I brushed some dirt off of my sleeves. We were just in a massive mud-storm in a rather foggy planet. “So, are we going to see this amusement park or what?” The Doctor smiled wide and handed me a ticket. 

“Yes, yes we are.”

Inside of the park were incredible rides I couldn’t even imagine. I looked around and almost couldn’t breath because of the overwhelming activities. “Falon, if you ride anything, but your hair up!” he shouted over the loud music and happy screams of children running past. 

“Yeah, yeah, mother.” I rolled my eyes and I felt his fingers twisting their way through my hair, tying it in a nice bun on the top of my head. I adored the Doctor, but I wasn’t sure if he felt the same. 

“I’m going to go ride the ‘Spring Snake’. It’s this ride where-” 

I interrupted the Doctor, “Go ahead, I’m going to go in this tent over here.” I pointed to a sign that read, “THE INDESTRUCTIBLE ROBOT!”.

“Alright, I’ll catch you up.” he let me know.

In the tent there was a man with many different weapons displayed next to an odd robot creature. It had spheres that ran down it’s sides and a plunger and a whisk for it’s arms. I took a seat in the bleachers and frowned when I saw the man pick up a futuristic, blue saw. “You see, he cannot even be effected by our cutting edge weaponry.” 

Vroom vroooooom!

He started up his saw and began to try to injure the poor creature. It let out a static cry and the was put in a tank of acid. I hated watching it, for it was torture. “Stop hurting it!” I yelled from the crowd. Everyone turned to me and made unhappy noises at me. I was ruining their show. 

“He can’t be hurt.” the man laughed at me. I heard the tent’s door swish open over the sudden silence and saw the Doctor eating cotton candy. Everyone in the audience turned to stare at him, and he just smiled and showed his blue, candy covered teeth. We walked to me and then looked at the levitator pulling the creature out of the acid. His blue teeth were hidden by a frown now, and his fluffy sugar fell to the ground. 

“No.” was all he said.

“Doctor?” I gripped his hand.

“No. We’re leaving.”

“Why? We need to help it! It’s being tortured.”

“That’s a Dalek, and it destroyed my people.”

I swallowed hard and looked at the so called Dalek. It’s “eye” moved around and zoomed in on the Doctor’s face. “Doc... tor?” it spoke, “You... are... The Doctor?!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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