gypsy bard song

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When you rife is deviation there is a simple explanation your a toy makers creation traped in a cyristal ball. And witch ever way he tillts it. Know we must stay rislent we won't let them break our spirits as we sing our silly song. when I was a little filly a gloping blaze over tool my city so they sent me to the orphanenege and said dich those roots if you want to fit in so I dug a 1000 holes and cut a rug with the orphan phols now the memory's are blurred an the faces are opscued but I still know the word to this song "if you bungled all your bangles and your loved ones have been mangled listen to the jingle jangle of my gypsy tambourine cuz these chords are hipnotizeng and the whole world is harmonizing so children please stop your crying and just sing along with me.

hare I was an orpaned pinke life lived hard got my head thinkin why feel bad for the orphan foals when the Bell beyond is ringing its toll when all the ghosts and creepys choke like they made a joke now here I am with not a soul to stop my drive and I still know the words to this song. When my granny smith relaxes her life goes in tiny flashes time goes in tiny wind-swepet ashes like a funny monkeys paw. When you're element is laughter you are seen as a disaster but we will see who will die faster as you sing along with me

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