Don't Leave Me Alone

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It's funny how someone who was once a complete stranger can become your entire world.

I was aware I wasn't great at interacting with people. I'd never make a real effort to, anyways. I rarely made myself known hidden away in the far corner of the quiet library, secluded from the rest of humanity. My eyes rarely left the words sprawled out across the pages of my current reading. I returned to that isolated corner so many times, I wouldn't be surprised if I'd read the entire library's contents by then. Nonetheless, I never took the time to acknowledge anyone else's existence, even if they simply greeted me. At the most I'd shrug, maybe grunt if it was good day. That was, of course, if anyone were to think I'm worth wasting a breath over. My menacing, enigmatic aura caused their eyes to trail to the floor in attempt to avoid all chances of crossing my gaze. Although I was usually content with my distaste for everyone around me, it didn't disprove the fact I still possessed a longing for someone to talk to.

My life had been complete shit. I worked my ass off providing for people whom I believed cared about me. They then decided to thank me by completely disowning me when I made a couple mistakes. It wasn't my fault I wasn't the perfect son my parents dreamt of. That was why I moved out here, to get a fresh start, and try to live for myself for once. I believed distancing myself from my problems would magically solve all my life's woes. How pathetic. But again, my life went to shit. I could barely support myself, while solely working at my part time job, and could only afford to live in a shitty apartment building.

I felt worthless.

At least I could receive temporary relief in a quiet environment away from all the responsibilities I held; I could always run away to that tranquil library. But at the end of the day, I knew I'd have to go back to that apartment and return to my melancholy lifestyle.

I didn't know what to do. I felt stuck.

I yearned for someone to release me from my neverending cycle of depression. I needed someone to numb all the stinging pain I had embedded in every part of my body. And yet, I couldn't even let myself cry out the burning tears desperately trying to escape my tired eyes. I held everything in, my sadness, anger, anxiety. I let myself suffer as it boiled within me.

I just needed someone, anyone to care. I was alone.

Eventually, the bustling streets began to disappear under a thick layer of chilling snow. It fell from the gloomy sky outside the windows beside me, signaling the beginning of another long winter. More people desperately trying to escape the harsh weather began to fill the warm library. The library always got busier around that time which made it harder for me to concentrate on reading. People buried themselves under their coats as they passed by me sitting in my usual spot. I sunk into my seat, took a sip of my hot tea, and proceeded with my novel.

Suddenly, a voice shaken by the outside snowfall called out for my attention. I kept my gaze locked on my book, hoping if I ignored them long enough they'd go away. When they stayed beside me, I looked up at them, annoyed by their unwanted disruption. My eyes widened at a woman with (h/c) hair staring down at me, shivering in her sweater, and covering her mouth with a scarf. I grunted to signal to her I was listening, even though I just wanted her gone. She explained how all the tables were taken due to the rush of customers and asked if she could sit with me. I glanced over at the vacant chair across from me and back at her. I hesitated but shrugged. I didn't really mind if she sat with me, just as long as she didn't interrupt me again. She thanked me and moved to sit across from me, tossing her backpack onto the floor. I tried to go back to my book but my ears perked up at her voice. She introduced herself.


I let that name become permanent in my memory and admired how it rang in my thoughts.

I surprised myself and answered back, giving her my name. Soon after, I watched as she laid out a few textbooks onto the table. I mustered all the courage within me to ask if she still attended school. I found out she was a college student, attending a university not too far from here. She shared how she lived out here alone, as well, since the university was far from her home. She expressed her difficulties of being in a new city and how she didn't know many people at first. I fumbled around, feeling a little embarrassed by how I'd been in this city for years and couldn't say I had even one close friend.

Don't Leave Me Alone | (AU) Levi X Reader One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now