whoever she is

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"and this is the part where you find out who you are, these are your friends, those who've been there from the start."

August 11th, 2006

Mountain Pointe High School
East Hallway

Kennedy Brock let out a yawn as he relaxed against the locker on a Friday afternoon, waiting for John and Halvo to get out of detention, so they could finally go home.

Truthfully he hadn't been that bothered when they'd bitched to him and the rest of the boys about having Friday afternoon detention.

He didn't mind staying back, it was kind of nice to enjoy the stillness and peacefulness which didn't usually occur in these halls.

The three of them were seniors at Mountain Pointe High School, and it seemed as though the future was flying towards them like a freight train.

People expected them to have the rest of their lives figured out, and it just wasn't realistic. No eighteen year old had a plan for the rest of their life.

The stillness of the halls was disrupted abruptly by the sound of shoes slapping against the linoleum floors.

The person in question had yet to notice him, their focus solely on the binder that was clutched between their hands.

Kennedy recognized the small girl from his English class but couldn't place her.

He cleared this throat softly and the girl looked up, startled by the sudden sound, her binder crashing to the ground in shock and causing an embarrassed flush to take over her features.

The girl crouched down to gather the notes, hiding behind her curtain of long hair in her mortification.

She froze when she noticed a pair of tattered black converse come into her line of vision. He crouched down in front of her and passed her the papers before holding his hand out as he stood up.

Accepting the offer, her cheeks were still flushed as she shuffled her notes back inside her binder hurriedly. Retracting her small hand from his grip, she clutched the binder to her chest and offered him a small smile in thanks.

"What's your name?" he asked her curiously, tilting his head to the side as as he waited for her answer.

There was something about this girl that intrigued him, he had an inexplicable desire to know who she was.

"Brinley," she told him quietly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear gently.

She hadn't been surprised that he didn't know who she was, Brinley tended to blend in somewhat and was often more than happy to stay in the background while her more outgoing best friends took the spotlight.

"I'm Kennedy" he introduced himself in a way that he hoped was charming and confident, instead of creepy and leering.

Kennedy had never had much trouble with girls, he was generally pretty confident and possessed a certain amount of swagger that made conversing with girls fairly easy for him. He mightn't have been John level confident but he did alright for himself.

There was just something about this girl that made him feel a little bit out of his element, like he couldn't rely on his old fallbacks.

"I know who you are," Brinley said with a flash of a smile as she adjusted the strap of her backpack on her shoulder, "We've been in the same English class since freshman year."

It was odd to her that he was still continuing this conversation. She could logically put down him helping her as him being a decent human being.

But right now he was going out of his way to continue the conversation and she couldn't be more confused by it.

Felt So Alive // kennedy brock auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora