
40 2 3

Character 1:
Park Min Seok
16 years old teenage girl
Act as You

Character 2:
Kim Hyo Sim
15 years old teenage girl
Park Min Seok's BFF
Act as Hyo Sim

Character 3:
Jim Ah Nim
17 years old teenage boy
Park Min Seok's boyfriend
Act as Ah Nim

Character 4:
Park Jyun Min
30 years old teacher(girl)
Act as Son-seng-neem(it means teacher)

Character 5:
Jia Byun ji
A 17 years old teenage boy
Kim Hyo Sim's boyfriend
Act as Byun Ji

Character 6:
All the other students
Act as everyone else(All the other students)
Stay tune for chapter 1!

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