He Saves You

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"If you make a sound, I'll slit your throat! Stay RIGHT here!" Your kidnapper growls harshly, you nod frantically but don't say a word, not risking speaking your mind. You've been kidnapped for the past week, you think so at least. This man is a complete psychopath. As far as you can tell, he thinks you're someone that you are not, an ex girlfriend maybe? You're not entirely sure. However, you're trying to become a profiler, and whenever he does name you, he uses the name of a woman known as 'Helena', so its an educated guess that he sees you as someone you're really not.

Today your kidnapper seems rather panicked, he's rushing around a lot. At the moment you're inside some warehouse, your hands are tied with a rope that's burning into your skin and your clothes are ripped from the beating you have endured. Before this, you were in some sort of basement, but he moved you today, something about almost being caught? You don't know who by, hopefully you rescuers are on his tail, if you HAVE rescuers. You're stood against a wall, your tied hands held out in front of you, your kidnapper has left you here for now. As soon as you're sure he's gone, you start searching for an exit.

Eventually, you find a wooden panel that's broken off slightly, creating a gap just small enough for you to fit through. Hissing in pain as your wounds protest to the action, you fall onto your hands and knees and squeeze through the gap. You pull yourself up, cold air slaps you in the face, bringing your hair with it. You brush your hair out of your face with your tied hands and look at your surroundings. Shit. You're in a forest. Where the hell are you!?! It doesn't matter, you're free, you take off running in a direction that you decided to travel in for no particular reason.
"HELENA!?! DONT RUN FROM ME!!!" You hear the voice that has haunted your reality and dreams for the past week say from behind you, followed by gunshots, it pushes you further and you run faster, hoping you can outrun him or find someone to help you.

~ Spencer's POV ~

"C'mon baby girl, gimme something!" Morgan asks Garcia through the phone. We're all currently situated around the police cars, a SWAT team ready and waiting for the location of the missing girl. We were so close to finding her before, but our unsub caught on and took her somewhere else. We're all wearing our FBI vests. Only Gideon, Morgan and myself are on this case, JJ and the newbie Prentiss are back at the BAU helping Garcia.
"Great! Thanks sugar!" Morgan shoves his phone back in his pocket and smiles at us "Apparently someone reported gun shots in a forest not too far from here, Garcia's confirmed that it's our girl, she caught her escaping on the security cameras outside the warehouse, looks like our unsub was rushing so much he forgot to check for cameras! Let's roll out!" Gideon and I smile and nod before leaving in the police cars and speeding down the country roads. We HAVE to find her, this unsub thinks that (Y/N) is his sister Helena who he killed 10 years ago, he keeps reliving the fantasy of killing her with different women, and we're making sure (Y/N) is the first victim he fails at killing and is, consequently, his last victim.

We reach the forest in record time, all of us jumping out of the vehicles.
"HELP!!! SOMEONE!!! PLEASE!!!" I hear a girl shout from within the thick forest. Gideon nods at us silently and we fall in, the SWAT team close behind us.

~ Your POV ~

You hear police sirens and call out desperately for help, PRAYING they'll hear you and come to save you. Regardless of whether they heard you or not, you keep running. You soon reach some sort of clearing. You start turning on the spot, not knowing what direction to run in next, you start hyperventilating as you run your tied hands through your hair.
"(Y/N)?" Someone asks quietly from behind you.
Instinctively, you turn to face the voice and back away, instantly terrified. To your surprise, its not your kidnapper, but a man wearing an FBI vest, holding a gun.
He holds his hands up, his gun in the air, as though he's surrendering "I'm Doctor Spencer Reid, I'm with the FBI, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to rescue you."
Your eyes fill with tears as you run towards him, crashing into his body and clinging to him as though your life depends on it. He's awkwardly surprised at first, but he wraps his arms around you and relaxes after realising this isnt a quick hug at all. You start crying into his vest.
"Th-Thank you Spencer!" You cry quietly.
"You're welcome (Y/N), glad I could he-"
"HELENA!?! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY HELENA!!!" Your kidnapper shouts from the other side of the clearing.
Spencer moves you so that you're standing behind him, but you don't let go of him and he doesn't try to make you do so, which you're glad of. "Al...listen to me, this girls name is (Y/N), she is NOT your sister Helena. You need to let her go. Helena...she's gone, Al, and that's something you'll have to come to terms with, considering you're the one that killed her." Spencer explains calmly, as you stand shocked behind him.
"HELENA ISNT DEAD!!! SHE'S RIGHT THERE!!! I WOULD NEVER HARM MY HELENA!!! GIVE HER TO ME, OR I SHOOT!!!" Your kidnapper, Al, pulls a handgun out of his back pocket and aims it at Spencer.
"NO!!!" You cry, letting go of Spencer to run and stand in the space between them. You hold your hands out to each of them. "Stop this!"
Spencer looks at you with pleading eyes "(Y/N)! Come back over here, please!"
You shake your head "No, Spencer, I won't let him hurt you." You turn back to your kidnapper. "Al, Spencer's right, I'm NOT Helena!-" You notice more people, 2 wearing FBI vests and the rest are SWAT team members you assume, appearing from the trees surround the clearing. They start aiming their guns, but Spencer subtly gestures to them to wait. You continue "-My name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), I'm (Y/A) years old, I binge watch TV shows on Netflix, I'm training to become a professional profiler, my only aim in life is to help people, save them, make them smile! I love pizza and ice cream, I have a tattoo on the inside of my wrist, song lyrics written in a scroll like style, to remind me of the things I overcame during a very traumatic time in my life. Christmas is my favourite time of year, I love the snow and wrapping up in countless layers, drinking hot chocolate and watching movies! I'm single and am incredibly socially awkward, I don't know how to handle most situations, but I try my best! I make jokes at inappropriate times and sometimes people don't understand my humour and think I'm rude, when I'm not, I'm just honest and VERY sassy! I'm a huge fan of 80's movies and basically ANYTHING sci-fi related, I'm a total nerd! So tell me Al, am I REALLY Helena!?!" You hear laughter from one of the FBI agents, a dark skinned, good-looking, muscular man.
Al drops his gun at the same time as his jaw drops "N-No...Helena is a confident and outgoing girl, she has no tattoos and has never been depressed, she's older than you and doesn't like sci-fi at all."
You shake your head "In which case she needed literal help. Sci-fi is not a choice, its a lifestyle." You hear Spencer laughing and turn to smile slightly at him.
The dark-skinned, muscular FBI agent sneakily runs up behind Al and pushes him to the floor, handcuffing him before pulling him up. He winks at you "That was great (Y/N)!"
You smile slightly "Thanks man."
An older looking FBI agent makes his way over to you "Hello (Y/N). How're you doing?"
You shrug "Pretty good considering I've been held captive by a psychopath for the past week."
The older man laughs "I'm agent Gideon, and that over there was agent Morgan. You've already met Doctor Reid, I assume?"
You nod "Yeah, I have."
Gideon starts walking, you follow him "We've got a doctor waiting to check you over, come with me." You continue to follow him, he leads you to an ambulance and helps you inside. You flop down into one of the seats and take some deep breaths. The doctor starts checking you over and tells you that you only have some severe bruising and minor cuts, which isn't bad considering the situation you were in.

Once the doctor leaves, you wrap a blanket around yourself and sit there, thinking back to the past week and how terrible it was. You didn't even notice Spencer sit down opposite you.
"(Y/N)?" He asks quietly.
You snap out of your daydream and shake your head before smiling at Spencer "Oh, hey Spencer! How can I help you?"
His eyebrows furrow "I've been wondering something, and I didn't know if you're emotionally ready to answer my questions?" You nod and laugh slightly "Ask away!"
"Why did you risk your life to save me?" Spencer asks curiously.
"You saved me first, I didn't want you getting hurt, and I figured that since I'd lived with this guy for a week, I'd be able to negotiate with him." You explain.
Spencer nods, but still looks confused. "But...my vest is bulletproof? I had more of a chance of surviving a shot than you did!?!"
You nod "That's true, however, Im sure Al knew it was bulletproof too, meaning he would aim for your vulnerable areas. As for your other point, let's just say you have more to live for than I do, and I would happily risk myself for you again!" You smile at him.
He smiles back at your before turning serious "Second question: are you really a fan of anything sci-fi?"
You nod frantically "Hell YEAH!!! Star Wars, The Terminator, Doctor Who, Back To The Future, Star Trek, Aliens, Predator, I'm a huge fan of it ALL! Why? Are you a sci-fi fan too?"
Spencer nods "Yes! Favourite sci-fi show?"
You roll your eyes "Easy, Doctor Who!"
"Favourite sci-fi movie?" He challenges.
You tap your chin thoughtfully "Hmm...either The Terminator or Back To The Future!"
Spencer nods "I doubt that by 2015 we'll have hover boards though, science just isnt advancing in the right places fast enough."
You laugh "Hey, don't doubt the future, we can always hope!"
Spencer nods and smiles "I guess that's true." He changes the subject "How are you feeling now?" You try to move your hands to make a gesture that says so-so, but see you're still tied up. Spencer gasps "Oh my god! Im so sorry, I didn't realise you were still tied up! Here, let me cut that rope off you!"
He grabs some scissors from the medical cabinet inside the ambulance and carefully cuts your wrists free of the constricting ropes. You and Spencer see the deep red marks around your wrists. Spencer gasps and jumps up, moving to sit beside you so he can examine your wrists. He cleans them with some sterile wipes, apologising as you hiss in pain. After that, you rest your head on his shoulder.
"Thanks again Spencer, you saved my life." You whisper.
"You actually did most of that yourself! You were amazing out there! A profiler in the making!" He praises.
You sniffle and shake your head "Without you, I'd be dead by now. Can you imagine what he'd have done to me if he found me? Oh my god! You don't know the gruesome details of what he did to me this past week, do you!?! No, of course you don't! He would've killed me in the most painful way possible!" Tears start rolling down your cheeks.
Spencer shakes his head and wraps his arms around you "Listen (Y/N), you don't have to think about that now, Al is going to be put away for good, you're safe now. Even if he wasn't put away, I wouldn't let him hurt you."
You sniffle "That's very sweet of you, but after I go home I'll probably never see you again."
Spencer smiles "Oh, I wouldn't be sure (Y/L/N), that's probably what I should call you, as you're now on the team."
Your jaw drops "Wh-What!?!"
"Everyone was EXTREMELY impressed with your skills out there today, including me, and Gideon has said he'll happily let you come along to our next case to see if you're cut out for this line of work. So, what do you say (Y/L/N)? Are you up for an adventure?"
You pull away from him so he can see your jaw drop, then you throw yourself at him and wrap your arms around his neck. "YESYESYESYESYESOHMYGODTHANKYOUSOMUCH!!!" You squeal.
Spencer laughs "No problem (Y/N), glad to have you on the team!"

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