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she wears autumn as a dress

with rouge and russet pleating

the scent of hot apple embroidered

into the hem

woollen gloves sewn with sunset

and demerara sugar

ankle boots with heels like kindling or

blackberry thorns

she winds the curling fire-leaves

between her fingers, trails them

through dark hair to fall like a wine-coloured

waterfall, down

burnt caramel eyes watch the

cinnamon birds fly southward

as they follow endless aeroplane trails

scratching the sky

a sky of horizons, of

endings, beginnings maybe

a sky of burnished water and something

she cannot name

and her mouth twitches, the flavour

of her favourite lipstick

she thinks of wellington boots and snapped twigs

puddles, bonfires

like cracking open an old

dried-out and dying shell

to find a glossy conker hidden there

like a present

that bittersweet gift that is

perfection wrapped in chaos

sometimes we can't see past death to new life

until after

she can taste it on her tongue

that crisp apple-cider tang

of clearer skies and rain that smells of tin

of copper coins

like the ones in the jam jar

she keeps on her windowsill

to see how they gleam in the cold sunlight


her window reflection smiles

unexpectedly trembling

lighting up like a halloween pumpkin

from the inside

then she stands and she dances

to an audience of none

pirouettes across the sun-streaked floorboards


twisting, her autumn dress twirls

a carillon of silence

clouds of golden dust swirling around her

in the sunbeams

she wears autumn as a dress

with rouge and russet pleating

or at least until winter comes along

to take its place

Autumnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن