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Weddings, how I loathed them. The long extensive speeches, receptions, and the horrible dresses.

Well not my wedding. Rob and I had decided on a short ceremony with our own written and the reception would be held at our house promptly after. We'd have the reception area in a tent off to the side of the house.

I would be staying at my parents the night before the wedding. My dad and brothers would be at Rob's. I sigh, somehow Ruth had weaseled me into letting her be a bridesmaid, along with Tasha and Hannah. I guess because of how small our circles were that I couldn't really deny her.

I pretended to enjoy the manicure that Ruth was forcing me to get. "What color would you like hun?" The lady doing my nails asks.

Ruth buts in saying, "She wants blue with white dots." The lady looks over at her and then at me. I shrug because in the end she knew more about all the things girly.

"Light blue." I specify to the woman. "It's one of my wedding colors." I blush, attempting to make conversation.

"Oh you're the girl getting married that the whole town is buzzing about." She has a curly red hair, kind of like Rob's mom. I nod to her sheepishly.

"Yeah, surprisingly he's my high school crush and technically he's my high school sweetheart." She smiles at me totally engrossed in my words.

"How'd you two meet?" She asks me. I chuckle at the memories.

"Well I'll just say we shared similar after hobbies." I say vaguely.

"Oh Jess, the vagueness is annoying. Just tell the woman how you kept getting detention for slugging guys like Jeff Day for picking on people. And not to mention standing up for all the weaker kids, like me." Ruth from the table beside me.

"Jeff should've learned not to call my best friend a fat cow. But that's not even the real reason. It's all because the back row wouldn't behave. So of course the teacher moved me to the back, hoping a female presence would calm them. Too bad I'm a tomboy through and through."

"Better than where I met my ex-husband." The red head says in a dull tone. Her face frowns up.

"Where'd ya meet him?" Ruth asks her.

"While he was working at some fast food joint." She shakes her head in shame. "And lemme tell you honey, I was the best woman he would've ever had. But he couldn't keep his junk to himself. Slipped him a few laxatives and he signed the divorce papers the very next month."

"Girl, we all told you he was no good." The female doing Ruth's hair chimes in. I shrug Ruth had said the thing about Rob, but that's because he was technically from the wrong side of the tracks. He was a Grit and I was a Townie, a marriage almost unheard of. However, Ruth came around. Nothing could break our friendship.

"So, what is the other color of your wedding." Says the red head.

"Lavender." I notice her name tag says Megan. I can barely make out the friend's name, but I think it's Tish. They coo over my color choices. I only chose them because A.) Purple was my favorite color and B.) Sky blue was one of the only colors that Rob liked that went with.

"So, like is he good in the sack?" Tish says raising and eyebrow. I turn cherry red. That question came from left field and kinda shocked me, but I admired her bluntness.

"We'll take that as a yes." Megan says with a saucy smile. I watch her dot my nails with white, all except the ring fingers. She grabs lavender off the polish rack and dotting those. I smile at her happily.

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