Seth and Amber: Chapter one

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(Hi this is Sethsooooosexy. this is a story about Seth and a girl named Amber that he wants but she has a problem and you will find out what it is in the later chapters. I won’t lie the first I would say maybe two chapters will be boring you know because I have to set the scene and stuff but hold on it will get interesting as the chapters go on and yes there will be sex scenes don’t worry and I’m sorry I should just get to the story now. so here it go’s.)

Seth was sitting at his desk when someone knocked on his door.

“Come in” he yelled. The person opened the door and it was Mila. Seth smiled, he loved Mila not like in a romantic kind of way but in a friendship kind of way which was even better though. 

“Hay what’s up” Seth asked. Mila had on a look of sacredness mixed with excitement which was weird. 

“Well I need some time off, me and Ashton are going to Hawaii to meet some of his family and were going to be there for about 3 weeks so I need some time off”. Seth smiled, he didn’t know why Mila was so worried he gave anyone time off that asked for it (within reason of course)

“Ya of course how fun and say hi to Ashton for me”. Mila face lit up.

“Ok thanks Seth, were leveeing in a couple hours so i got to go. Call me or text me everyday. I’m going to miss you ok bye”. Mila ran out of his office so fast that Seth thought she was going to fall on her ass in those 5inc heels. Seth smiled again, he loved making people happy. 

 (3 hours later)

Seth still in his office filling out reports which is the thing hated most about this job. Alec Sulkin walked into Seth office. 

“Yo Ass hole I need to talk to you”. Seth smiled, him and Alec had a weird way of talking to each other but it was there way of talking to each other, but all in all Seth and Alec loved each other.

“What’s up dick face”. Alec laughed as he sat in one of the chair that was around from Seth’s desk.

“Ok so I banged this chick last night, first off she gives the most amazing blow jobs ever-“.

“Alec is this you coming in here to brag or does this story lead somewhere”.

“It has a point Mr. tight ass, anyway as I was staying she is the best at sex anyway you know how Hazel quite a few days ago for another job. well this girl is so talented with drawing, I mean she is amazing at it. She a little bit shy but she would be perfect for here. I really think you should meet her. So I brought her here, Amber come on in”. Seth looked at his door and the best beautiful women Seth ever saw walked in.    

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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