Charter 1

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This is my first time writing a fanfic so I you like it.

Mikasa view:

Why now? Why can't I get him out of my head. Sense the mission when he saved my life from Annie. I can't get him out of my head. I love Eren, I have seen I was 9 years old. I still love him but it's not the same. I don't know what to do , so I thought I should ask someone. So I went to Hanij's office. I knocked on the door.
"Yessss , who is it ?" Hanij's said from the other side of the door.
"It's me Hanji , Mikasa " a big part of me just wanted to run but I need to know what's going on with my feelings for Levi
"Come in, come in. So what can I help you with ? "
"Well you see .... I think I like someone but I don't..... well I don't know "
" OMT ( Oh My Titans 😝) Who ?WHO !? "
"L....Lev....Levi "
"Yes !!! " She started to jump around the place like a crazy person ( which she is )
I was so confused, why was she so happy about this.
" Erwin has to do my paperwork for a the next few weeks haha "
" Wait , what. You bet if I liked CAPTAIN LEVI ! "
" Well the bet was to see who would say there feelings first I thought it was going to be you but Erwin though is was going to be my little shorty "
"Wait , does Levi like me ? " my face turned a bright red like a tomato . Why do I care if he does
" No he doesn't like you ...... he LOVES you "
What , he loves me. I am so happy but wait I love Eren . Not Levi. Well maybe a little I can't love him. He is my Captain I can't. I have to stay away from him no matter what. I can't let myself fall for him even more. I ran out of Hanji's office and ran right to my room ( which I did share with Sasha but she was out with Jean stealing food ) I don't know why but I started to cry. Then suddenly I heard a knock at the door.
"Mikasa, are you ok ? "Please don't be him " I saw you run out of Shity glasses official " It was him. Levi.
He opened the door and saw that I was crying and then he ran over to me and kneel down in front off me. I looked down to him. He put his hand on y face and wiped the tears away.

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