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I woke. Or more like I died. I was on a cold surface, smooth and cold. The room was neither hot or cold, it was just still. My name is Avanecence. My name is Avanecence. My thoughts echoed through my mind. I became light headed, I froze, is this hell?  A voice, a voice came, " find hope." Who was hope? Was hope even a person? I straightened my back, a sensation of pain swelled throughout my body, I fell cold to the floor. My hands began to sting, and this pain shriveled thought the rest of my body, slowly, painfully, but at the same time beautiful and elegant, soft, slow and deadly. Sensations ran through my veins, my blood felt hot, like I was heating up, ready to explode from the inside, I shriveled up on the floor, I spat blood, my vision blurred,I screamed, and I went dark again.

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