The story of the wolf girl

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("" means talking '' means thoughts)

'I hated it... every single day that i go to that school there is nothing but pain and despair lurking in the shadows waiting for me, to hwngcs urt me. My name is Rose, I am 14 and I am the freak of the school, the mistake and I hate every second of it. I was born with one eye red and the other gold, even though neither of my parents had these eye colors.

Sadly on 31st of December, 2000,  my mother died giving birth to me that day. Five years later the rest of my family dissapeared and I was stuck in an orphanage which I still live in because no one wants a freak. Sadly today was just going to be uthe same as every other day. This is my life sadly.'

"ROSE!!!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" Yelled my caretakers boyfriend, Richard. I slowly get up and get dress then i walk down the steps to him. "What took you so long!?"he asked angrily, I simply shrugged. He shoved me into the kitchen where I started to make breakfast. When I had finished, everyone sat at the table and we all ate, then we left for school. 'Ughhhh i hate school, especially the bullies'

                                                                          TIME SKIP TO LUNCHTIME

I sat there all by myself at lunch when suddenly something sticky and gross smacked down on my head and laughter was heard behind me and a voice, the voice of Veronica (sorry to all the Veronica's) "hey freak that new wig of yours looks fantastic hahahahaha!!" Veronica laughed cruelly then her boyfriend, Eric, came up and slapped me then he punched me. Right then and there I snapped, I grabbed his fist and twisted it then I slammed the lunch tray into his face knocking him out, then i grabbed the food in my hair and mushed it into Veronica's face,"ha who is the freak now?" I asked then left the cafeteria.   

I ran out of the school and into a nearby forest where i sat down and put my head into my hands ' don't let it happen, Rose not again'  I stopped my thinking when i heard the whimper of an animal, I slowly got up and went to the injured animal and what i saw surprised and shocked me it was a full grown male wolf with its paw stuck in a trap. i slowly got closer and started to help him get his paw out of the trap and wrapped his paw with my spare bandaged that i had in my backpack. "I hope you are alright poor wolf and i know you probably cant understand me or answer back,"I said sadly.

'actually,' I heard a voice say in my head, 'I can understand you and i can also talk back as you can see.' After he had said that i started to help him walk back to his pack and on the way I had learned that he was the alpha of the pack, his name was Lucas and he let me stay with them.


"Leave now, or suffer the consequences!!" I yelled to the men who were going to destroy OUR forest. They freaked and screamed like little girls while my new family, a pack of wolves, scared them out of OUR forest, our home. I walked back to my cave when suddenly Jason, the omega, came up and stopped me. He started to talk badly about me and told me that I should just leave and get myself killed by the rogue wolf, Mundai.If you're wondering Mundai use to be the alpha here but he was cruel and black hearted, so Lucas challenged him for leadership and banished him and ever since then he turned himself rogue.I took no notice of him until he started to talk about the little wolf cub i baby sit, Lucy. He started to talk about how the rogue would love her as a sacrifice, and i started to get angry.

He drew the line when some of his ugly, henchmen came up dragging her little body up to me.That was when i got super pi****. I knew what was gonna happen i hated what i was about to become but the overwhelming anger came over me and my eyes started to turn a crimson blood red color. My teeth started to grow into fangs.My nails had become claws.I ran full speed at them and grabbed little Lucy, putting her to the side, then i ran up to one of his men and ripped him to shreds. I ran to the next and he ran away with no tail and claw marks. Finally I got to Jason and i ripped claw marks down the side of his face, his back and his back leg. Before i could do anymore damage to him Lucas came up and stopped me. He made me calm down and ordered me to go back to my cave with Lucy, which i obeyed.

Later on that night Jason got banished from the pack and had to live on his own. Two days later the hunters, Jesse and Jackqueline, came back telling us that they found Jason dead. He was ripped to shreds by Mundai. When i heard about the news I felt so much guilt I thought i was going to be sick. The pack still accepted me as one of them even though sometimes i do turn into a monster. Later on that day I heard Lucas screaming for us to run and fast. I ran to him and asked him what was happening and he said that Mundai was back for revenge on all of us. We all started to run but before Lucas and I could escape, Mundai grabbed Lucas's tail which in return i slashed his face open.

Mundai screamed in anger and pain as Lucas and I started to run again but then Lucas stopped and told me something that made me cry, but i nodded and ran while he stayed to fight Mundai. While I ran as fast as I could I heard Lucas howl painfully. I slid to a stop and when I turned around I saw Lucas's body bleeding out on the ground and Mundai howling in joy. A tear ran down my face again as I thought over what he had said 'Rose I'm going to hold him back as long as I can and I might die so I want you to be the new alpha of our pack. Look after them. Now run.'

Furiously i stared into the eyes of Mundai as all of my family came next to me and got ready to fight on the top of that hill. He glared at all of us with hate and anger in his eyes. we all got ready until I yelled,"CHARGE!!!!" And our war had begun. We all charged at Mundai with hate in our eyes our intent was to kill. The wolves in the front row charged first but got easily destroyed. The 10 wolves from the back and middle charged at him and they all had the same treatment. I tried with all my might to retreat before anymore of my family got killed but Mundai charged at us with a killing intent. he rammed down and killed all of my family then he barged me down. I couldn't move at all. He had broke my legs. Right at that moment rain started to pour down. The thunder cracked and the lightning flashed, lighting up his raged filled face.

"Hahahaha, finally I have got you right where I want you girl!!" snorted Mundai. I layed there, in between all of my comrades, all of my family. Blood was splatted everywhere as they layed dead. Mundai got his claws ready to strike me down as i closed my eyes awaiting death. 'I'm sorry everyone, i was your new alpha and i let you down. I'm so sorry.... Even though I am going to die today, at least I got to live free and happy for a couple of years.'

Mundai started to swing his paw down as I thought my last thought before everything went black 'I am finally free'....


A couple was hiking through the woods to the very tip of a mountain where it was said there was a huge battle of wolves and girl vs a rouge wolf. Once they got to the top they spotted loads of graves and flowers but one grave caught their eyes. It had a stone on it like the others but this stone had writing on it and the writing was:

Rest In Peace

Rose Lilac Boston aka wolf girl

15 years old when her light went out

her quote: Don't be sad for me, because I am finally free and my family of wolves and I are in the sky finally happy and watching over you all.

The couple held each other close as they cried for the girl thinking about her heroic death and walked home hand in hand to their darling daughter, Rose Lillian Tamph. Do you believe in reincarnation?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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