Holiday Spirit

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A/N: My friend (Kelly) wrote a story and I'm posting it here because I have a heart of gold, so this is totally her.



“I hate the holidays…” Louis grumbled, plopping his chin onto his fist.

He always had.

One. It was cold. Not the good kind of cold that you could wear nice scarves and gloves and coats and snuggle up by the fire but the other kind. It was the kind of cold where the temperature shoved itself up your nose and ripped out all the hairs and the kind that bludgeoned at your limbs like dull axe heads if you happened to jump off of anything higher than a foot and a half.

Two. All his mates took this as an opportunity to annoy the shit out of him and get completely wasted every single night and leave him to clean up the messes which included everything from stomach fluids to crying women.

Three. Every moron within in a five mile radius was constantly singing stupid carols about some perverted overweight man and the joy of children and wishes coming true and love blossoming and miracles that would never happen and all he could think about was that these idiotic people were getting their hopes up for nothing.

Four. It was the same time as his birthday. One year older meant one year closer to dying and he didn’t see why everyone was so damn happy about that. That and it was overshadowed practically every year by the very special day that came after, so he never got much attention anyway. It’s not that he was selfish, but how fair was it that almost every other human being on the planet got a whole day to themselves? Even the babies born on the day got to brag about how special they were since they were ‘Christmas babies’. But the day before? Nope. No exceptional qualities and or privileges whatsoever.

Five. He just hated it.

The blue eyed boy let out a huff and ran a hand through his hair. His index finger traced the ring of water that his glass had left, soon to be doubled as another beer was set down next to it. Louis looked up to see where this drink had come from.

A kind old woman looked down at him from above her glasses. Her wrinkles bunched up around her eyes as she gave Louis a light smile.

“No need to be so upset dearie, it’s Christmas time.”

Oh and six, nobody appeared to want to mind their own business. Fucking holiday fellowship or whatever.

Louis gave her a glance and sighed, not bothering to concern himself with her as he looked over the little room they were in. Him and the boys hadn’t had much choice when it came to where they were staying those last couple nights, seeing as a heavy snowfall was about to come around and the little inn they found - with bar attached, much to Niall’s delight - seemed to fit them well enough. It was either that or the street and that was not an experience Louis wanted to live through again. He shuddered. The old couple that ran it he was sure weren’t too keen on letting five rambunctious boys run amuck around the hotel every night, so they normally didn’t and headed out through the town. But tonight they had no other place to go out to, so in they stayed with the rest of the other guests.

“I know,” Louis replied shortly, shaking his head and turning back to the woman. Fucking Christmas time. Of course he knew what time of year it was, he didn’t need to hear it from this lady. His fingers ran over the cold condensation that had appeared on his glass. He hummed a sigh.

The woman furrowed her brow and looked at him through bespectacled eyes. “What’s the matter dear?”

Louis gave her a light shrug. “Just not really up to drinking tonight, I guess,” he said, still staring at the beverage he was now cradling in his palm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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