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They say each person has a fire burning within them, let's hope this one doesn't go out.

Dec 13th 2050

It was the 13th it had been 55 days, 55 days since my boyfriend went to war. There's one going on in almost every section. It's my boyfriend's turn to patrol the outskirts.

Everyday I sit by the window waiting just waiting for him to come back. Usually patrols last 20-30 days but he's probably working double time or volunteering for some other solder. That's what I tell myself at least.

I turn away from the window and look at the crackling fireplace. Such beauty that can cause such destruction. I hear a knock on my door, still dressed in my pajamas, I quickly rush over to it.

"Yes" I said as I opened the door.

"Are you Bell Anderson?" Asks the mailman.

"Yes" I said worried. What if it's a letter?

"Package for you please sign here." I did as was told and he gave me a box.

It was about the size of my laptop. I thanked the mailman and then closed the door. When he had left I instantly ripped into the package the first thing was a letter I opened it up. It said:

Dear bell

How are you doing this season? I'm sorry I can't be with you right now as you probably guessed I took someone else's place. He was new and it was nearing Christmas (sort of.) Just think thought next time I see you I wouldn't have to shave and still get kisses.

I got you something to remind you of me. Just think 12 more days until I see you.

Love Chris

I look inside to see a small gift wrapped in paper. I open it tenderly trying not to break the paper. Inside were twelve different bullet shells each with the numbers 1-12 carved in them. My eyes widened, they were the old kind made of steel and brass.

How did he find these? When the government changed to energy blasters, these were considered rare. But here are twelve of them, I smiled. This was just like when he got me a piece of chocolate for my birthday. (Chocolates are rare too)

I went to sleep easily that night knowing he was safe.

The next 10 days had the same routine everyday I would get up, stare at the bare tree next to the fireplace. Waiting for a package from the mailman, then read the letter which always assured me that he's alive. Then I would pretty much stare at the present until I had to go to work.

But on the twelfth day, there was no package. I was getting worried. He had said that he was coming home either today or tomorrow, but even so, I was worried.

I had even asked the mailman when he had came by. He had hesitated before answering my question. That made me even more worried.

I heard a knock on the door. Finally the mailman has arrived. I rush to the door and open it to find the general of the troops.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked fearing the worst.

"Are you Bell Anderson?" he asked.


"One of my soldiers asked me to give you this package." He stepped aside and behind him was Chris, with a giant red bow on his head. I ran over to him and got swept off my feet with a big hug.

"Your back I thought you had died" I whispered in his ear as I started to cry.

"What ever made you think that? I told you I'd either be back here today or tomorrow." He whispers back kissing my forehead.

"I know but I was so worried, and when I didn't get a package..." I trailed off before crying into his shoulder again.

"Now, now don't cry. I have company."

I looked at him confused and he put me down before moving over to the side. Behind him where 4 soldier, with their phones out recording the moment.

I hit him on the shoulder... hard.

"Ouch what was that for, I'm here! You shouldn't be hitting your boyfriend."

"You didn't tell me we had guests! I would have started dinner already." I yelled at him whacking him again for good measures.

One of the guys behind him muttered scared and I turned to him.

"And you guys with your phones out... where did you get those aren't you not supposed to have them." I asked with suspicion.

They all whistled innocently and hid them behind their backs. I threw my hands up and walked away opening the door and letting them all come in.

I walk into the kitchen, whipping up some food. When I came back out I put the food on the table and slid into the seat next to my boyfriend. Who looked happy.

After dinner was done we all sat in the living room and played some games. Including apples to apples, cards against humanity and charades. It was at 5 when all my relatives began to arrive.

All my aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces. So inside our small little house was quite packed.

All of them had brought food so I had no worries about food or cooking for this large of a family. There were cranberries, turkey, cheeses and crackers, and many other different dishes', one of my cousins even brought caviar.

We had a wonderful dinner. My nephew was learning how to play the piano, he played for us while we all danced.

Now in my family, some of them are pranksters. So when Chris and I were dancing I tried to stray away from them.

Somehow they still got the mistletoe above us and we kissed. That was when Chris got down on one knee and proposed in front of everyone.

The ring was pretty but the look in Chris's eyes as he announced the words almost every girl wants to hear was enough to make me the happiest girl in the world.

I had jumped down to hug him and we kiss. It was a warm kiss, like candle flame. One of those kisses that you know you will remember.

It stayed a very passionate moment until one of my uncles yelled for us to get a room. I had lifted my head and a heavy blush filled my cheeks.

After we had led the guests out of the house, the party was over. Chris and I cuddled on the couch by the fireplace.

After a while we got tired and I fell asleep in the arms of my fiancé, warmed by the heat of the fireplace.


After that Chris and I had our wedding on the 6th of December 2051. It was winter themed and outside. We currently have 3 kids Lily, Jack and Holly. Lily's 6 and the oldest, Jack is 4 and, Holly is 1. The video that the three soldiers had taken of Chris and I's reunion got posted on YouTube and has over 1 million views. (On each account!)

On the twelfth day of Christmas

my boyfriend sent to me:

12 shining bullets

Eleven bound books

Ten ceramic bowls Nine copper pieces

Eight ink pots

Seven bobby pins

Six old keys

Five scented candles

Four keyboards

Three wood carved dolls

Two pieces of chocolate

and one golden ring for me

plz vote comment and follow me for more cute stories like this 

Also thank you MarshmallowTreasure for editing my story!

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