In Your Dreams!

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Welcome to my excuse to write fanfiction with Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, princesses AND a dragon.

This is an entry for KaidoKurahana's TSATS Competition.

Save the applause for that amazing gal! I'm not all that sure
if this counts as a one shot, but here we go!

I skip along a dirt path surrounded by bushes bearing shiny red berries.

Looking down at my feet I notice that I am wearing a lacy red dress. A princess dress.


I tuck my mahogany curls behind my ear and resume skipping past the shrubbery.

In the clearing, there is a golden gazebo, silver grape vines twisting around the jeweled pillars.

Standing under the gazebo is Gin, a sapphire tiara resting atop her swept up reddish locks.

In her hands is a surprisingly handsome frog. Typical Gin, thinking every frog is a prince...

Wait, what?

She lifts the frog closer to her face, then kisses it sweetly.

What is this? A fairy tail?

A flash of sparkling light nearly blinds me.

His lips on Ginger's, a dazzling prince with black hair and lapis colored eyes, stands in place of the frog.

Is this normal?

Gazing down at path, I follow it to a meadow. I look up and behold a beautiful castle, the stones sparkling in the afternoon sun. Moss filling the cracks.

Telly and Kalie rush over to me, hurrying me into the castle.

Telly fusses over the hem of my dress. "You really mustn't sneak out like that, My Lady..."

Kalie pulls at my hair, twisting it into an elaborate up do. "Yes! Tonight is the banquet celebrating the treaty between your Father, and the Wayne's!"

What treaty?

Kalie and Telysha fidget with my corset, forcing me into an even more uncomfortable dress.

"The feast is in one hour!" Telly practically screams.

What feast!?!

"Thank you, you are dismissed." I say in a surprisingly majestic voice.

They curtsy, and rush out there door. I am left to sit on a slightly too cushy four poster bed.

I peer into a full body mirror, in a bronze setting.

"Why don't cha stop lookin' at yerself?" My mirror starts, blatantly annoyed.

This can't be real.

I ignore my talking mirror, and polish the dagger my father had given to me.

A knock on the door, and it swings open.

"You look beautiful Pumpkin!" My Dad, the King, compliments me.

In what world is my Dad the King?

"Thank you Daddy." I smile graciously and take his hand as he walks me to the grand hall.

The neighboring kingdom, ruled by the fair and watchful King Bruce, have recently signed a peace treaty, naming them our allies.

This is not real.

In the ballroom, pairs are dancing formally to a classic waltz.

My Father proceeds to converse with the Queen; a woman with a long shimmering dress, her face hidden behind a gauze veil.

Is she my mother?

Ginger twists and twirls with her Prince Charming, her eyes never leaving his.

I am terribly bored, standing beside the King, waiting to catch a glimpse of the woman behind the veil.

Courtiers bring platters of fruit, salads and roasted meat.

My father rings a bell and catches the attention of the various Dukes and Duchesses, Ladies and Lords.

"I proclaim a toast, to the Wayne family, and may they forever stand beside us!"

The Bats are royalty too?

All raised their goblets, and in minutes we are seated at the table.

Throughout the banquet I stay away from the meat, and feast on the salads, fresh from the palace gardens.

The emotionless Prince Jason was seated across from me, his emerald eyes darting around the room, as if there was an imminent threat.

Dinner was as monotonous as the waltz. I pick at my sugar dusted strawberry, waiting for everyone to go home.

I poke at my dessert a little more, until I hear the sound of sword against sword.

The eldest of the Wayne brothers had blocked an attack directed at Dad.

Men in black clothing are surrounding the King. Dad draws his sword.

All hell breaks loose.

Ginger reveals a bejeweled dagger, slashing at the intruders.

All four of the Princes are defending our palace, even the youngest.

I run passed Gin, and take my broadsword from behind a tapestry.

The clash of metal on metal grows louder as more knights join the battle.

We're losing. There are too many.

Many of the intruders corner me.

Princess Venus is known for her superior combat skills. But even she cannot fight eight enemies at once.

I am forced backwards, I can barely hold my own.

Until, Prince Jason jumps in front of me and transforms into a fiery red dragon.

Hold up.

He blows fire at our adversaries, burning them to a crisp.

He spreads his wings and creates a gust of wind knocking everyone of their feet.

In a crackle of fire, he is his usual armour clad self.

What just happened?

All of the guests clutched their skirts, and stared at Jason.

He simply glared back at them, and left.

Dad, was impressed. His jaw dropped. Ginger stared admiringly at her Prince.

One by one, the guests turned to sand and blew away.

I looked around and watched them disappear. Richard, Tim, Damian, then Dad, Ginger, King Bruce, Jason is the last person I see, before I become strangely sleepy.

I fall to the tiled floor.


I'm in my bed, with Jason beside me.

Was I dreaming?

He smirks. "Good morning Princess."

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