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Doug had seen a lot of crime scenes, but never one so stereotypically British. Tea still steaming, a picture of the queen shattered on the floor, and a weapon...

A sharpened umbrella, stuck into the soft stomach of the victim,who was dressed as a stereotypical British businessman – pinstripe suit, even the bowler hat.

This image was somewhat ruined by the intricate prison tattoos covering every visible inch of skin.

After being a witness to such transgression, he couldn't just go home and pretend it never happened. No man should feel his mind a prisoner of a 15th century cell block.

At that point the bars were ripped out of the wall. He turned and saw Doc Brown outside. "Marty, we're gonna get back to the future!"

"We can't stay here or chaos will break out everywhere. We are detectives, we have to save the innocent."

Consequences V : A Lot of Crime ScenesWhere stories live. Discover now