Crazy party! (Chapter 1) Catie's POV

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Pic of Catie

"Hurry up Catie," Alice yelled form the kitchen.
"I'm coming I'm just putting on lipstick" Catie yelled in response. I walked out, Alice and Nate ( My boyfriend) are sitting on the couch. "Hurry the fuck up Matt is meeting us at the party" Alice said.
"Hey beautiful" Nate said giving me a kiss. We all walked out to Nate's purple Camaro . I got in the passenger seat and turned on the radio and Justin Bieber sorry came blasting threw the speakers.
"Shut that shit off" Alice and Nate both yelled at me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~45 mins later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a long ass drive to the party we pull up to a big house with drunk teenagers pouring out falling on their asses. Right when we walk in all I could smell was weed and alcohol, " Do you want something to drink," Nate asked. I nodded in response as Matt walks up to me drunk off his ass.
"Have you seen Alice I have been looking for her for the past 10 minutes," Matt asked.
"She went looking for you," I said. After Matt went looking for Alice, Nate came back with my drink. "Thanks"
"Do you want to go dance, babe?" Nate asked, I nodded and he drug me to the dance floor filled with drunk teens. After dancing for awhile Nate and I were really drunk. The next thing I know Alice, Matt and I are standing out side watching Nate run down the street yelling " I have a small wiener!" Then two cop cars went racing down the streets after Nate. When that cops shut down the party every one went home. Later we called a cab, Alice and I crashed at my house while Matt went home and hell knows where Nate went, I guess will find him tomorrow.
I hope you guys like the first chapter. Im writing this book and skylar is editing it. This is my first time ever writing a book in watt pad so please let my friend and I now if you like it!!

Catie x

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