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George's pov.

I was at home on my phone and i got bored so I turned on the TV and i was flipping trough the channels and there was nothing i liked. I got out of my room and went to the kicten and i saw my mom. She was cooking something good. Yum that smells good. I'm making christmas cookies. WAIT IS CHRISTMAS ALMOST HERE. Yeah my darling. late. I'm LATE FOR SCHOOL. Honey go get ready. I first went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then i took a shower quickly. I comed my hair to the side. I put on my white t-shirt and a sweater. And jeans. Grabbed my bookbag. And went in the car. I drived off to school.


I was sitting down outside close to the parkinglot alone. I was wating for Mary. She wasn't coming till like 8:15 at least that's what she said. I saw the bus and saw all the other oc's come out (wating for more oc's). I saw Mary come out withe her brother Goerge. My brother was at the house because he was sick. Poor thing. I waved at Mary and Goerge and they waved back. I asked Mary to sit next to me. She said HI in a cheerful voice. I looked at her and she had gummyworms. I said why would you have thoose. Um..thu there awsome she said. I just stood there looking at her.


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