Rishi Listening Station.

545 15 19

Prepare my friends, this is long.

"Haha!" Cutup sounded, leaping out of his seat, "eat it Droidbait!"

"Shut it Cutup, that game was mine!" Droidbait shouted back in protest.

"Can it you two!" Fives yelled.

"Hevy, anything on your scan?" Echo asked.

"Yeah, a whole lot of nothing..." muttered Hevy.

A few minutes passed before the station's alarm sounded and rang louder than a warning siren.

"Ugh! Turn that damn thing off!" Cutup sounded.

"Look you idiot!" Echo shouted.

"ASTEROIDS!!" Hevy yelled, slamming his fist on the shield button. Sargeant O'niner came running into the room, he had a DM-15C in his hand and a helmet on his head.

"What's going on!?" He demanded.

"ASTEROIDS!!!" Hevy yelled, standing at attention.

"Gah!" He yelled, "that's nothing! Stop freaking out CT-782!" O'niner ordered.

"Sir, yes sir!" Every Clone yelled, standing at attention. O'niner left the room and all the clones continued their business. Nub sat around, doing nothing, Echo listened to music, Fives paid attention, much like Hevy, and Cutup and Droidbait arm-wresled.

Another hour passed, Hevy turned on his monitor to see a terrible scene.

"Fives! We got company!" The clone yelled. Fives rushed over, about twenty Commando Droids were walking across the moon.

"CT-327, get in here, we've got incoming..." Fives ordered.

"Sure thing, I'll be right there!" CT-327 replied. Seconds later, CT-327 ran in.

"SARGE!!" Hevy sounded, sarge marched in.

"What is it CT-782!?" O'niner grunted,

"We got commando Droids incoming, sir!" Hevy replied. All color in Sarge dropped from normal to ghost-white.

"G-get your weapons, all of you!" Sarge ordered. All 7 Clone Troopers ran for the armory, not Sarge... Sarge walked to the computer, opened the comm, and contacted Captain Rex and Commander Cody, who were flying in for surprise inspection.

"What is it O'niner?" Cody asked.

"Sir! We are in need of backup, there are multiple Separatist forces closing on our position, move in, quick!" O'niner replied.

"I'll contact Waxer and Boil, they're just a few minutes out." Cody exclaimed.

"Sir, yes sir..." O'niner muttered, sweat forming on his brow, he started shaking, for this was the end.

CT-327, Nub, Fives, Echo, Hevy, Droidbait, Cutup, and O'niner all took cover behind various boxes and crates, all pointing to the main entrance.

"Those clankers will be here any second!" Cutup remarked, "you wanted action Hevy, here ya go!"

"Hehe, it's all I've ever wanted!" Hevy said back, chuckling after every word. All blasters were pointed towards the doors, then the explosion sounded... 3 Commando Droids rushed in, Hevy took care of em real quick. Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids marched into the station, a Super Battle Droid shot Nub in the shoulder, killing him instantly.

"MAN DOW-" CT-327 yelled, before being shot in the head himself.

"Dammit!" Hevy yelled, he ran out from behind his cover, mini-gun firing blasts faster than light. Droidbait ran out with him, DC-15C in hand, they both fired at will, taking out Droid after Droid after Droid.

"Who's Droidbait now?" Droidbait shouted sarcasticly.

"You!" Hevy replied, laughing. The two clones continued to press on the advancing Droids, taking cover behind the wall. O'niner, who had been ducking for cover, found his bearings, and ran past the two clones. He ran up to the Droids, shooting at the hip, and getting shot in the knee.

"Sarge!" Echo yelled, running for him, but it was too late, a Commando Droid had shot him in-between the eyes. Echo yelled, rushing the Commando Droid, he raised a fist and punched it in the head, bad idea... the droid grabbed his hand and punched him in the gut, but Echo stayed strong, he reached for the droids' cold hand, he ripped out the blasted and proceeded to shoot it in the torso. Domino Squad was all that was left, Hevy, Droidbait, Cutup, and Fives gave Echo cover fire as he ran back to cover.

"There's too many of them!!" Echo yelled

"No shit!" Cutup sounded, sarcasm still his nuber one priority. They closed their eyes, loaded up, and broke cover, 5 wide formation, down the corridor. Any droid attempting to make a stand was blasted to hell by Domino Squad. The blaster fire got lighter, Echo had been shot in the calf, he screamed in pain, but signaled for Domino Squad to keep going, but there were now two streams of blue fire. It was the 212th, 41st, and Rex.

Rex, Cody, Waxer, Boil, and Gree (note, this takes place BEFORE Ryloth) stormed in, shooting anything and everything metal. Soon enough, with two flanks, the Droids were no more. Rex walked over to Echo, who was now laying back on a few crates,

"How ya doin' soldier?" Rex asked.

"Hehe, alright? I guess..." Echo muttered.

"I heard what you did Echo, very heroic!" Rex exclaimed.

"I still couldn't save sarge..." Echo muttered.

"Hey," Rex said, "you were very brave today!" Rex put his left hand on Echos' right chestplate, leaving a black oil-handprint.

"You were all very brave tonight men!" Cody shouted, "now it's your choice, we want you in our Battalions! Your time to choose."
Every Clone in the room lit up like a bulb, even Droidbait was jumping for joy.

"Commander Cody, sir?" Echo asked.

"Yes CT-21-0408?" Cody replied.

"With all due respect, I'd like to join the 501st!" Echo yelled, wincing in pain as he did so.

"That is a fine choice soldier! But not until your leg heals." Cody said, gleaming. Rex smiled too, Waxer, Gree, and Boil were nodding their heads in aprooval.

"You would make a fine addition! Welcome to the 501st Attack Battalion Echo!" Rex yelled. The while hallway cheered and clapped, even the medics stopped what they were doing to give cheer to the new addition of the 501st. The rest of Domino Squad now had a decision to make.
Cutup- 41st Attack Battalion under Commander Gree
Droidbait- 41st Attack Battalion under Commander Gree
Hevy- 212th Attack Battalion under Commander Cody
Fives- 501st Attack Battalion under command of Captain Rex
The five members of Domino Squad were now on with their lives, they had defended Rishi with everything they had, truly heroic.

Hevy walked down the corridor of the Republic Cruiser transporting them to Kamino,

"Well guys, it's goodbye now..." Hevy

"Cutup and I will be blasting clankers forever in the 41st!" Droidbait boasted, wrapping his arm around Cutup, who was grinning ear to ear.

"The 501st is a great fit for Echo and I, we both dreamed of it one day." Fives exclaimed,

"Ha! You're right, this is awesome!" Echo shouted from his bunk.

"I guess I'm the odd one out? I chose 212th!" Hevy laughed, so did the rest of the clones. They gleamed.

"Goodbye brothers! See you on the battlefield!" Hevy sounded.

"Sir, yes sir!" Echo, Cutup, Droidbait, and Fives replied.

Pfew! That took 3 days to write! I loved Domino Squad during the Clone Wars run, I don't think they all deserved to die, Hevy paid more attention to the cams, and he finally saw his damn droids. Kamino isn't happening, because Rishi wasn't destroyed and maybe there will even be a little, "66" story line that pops up, who knows? Anyways, add this story to your library and stay tuned for updates! Cya!

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