Right there

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Ariana's POV
"Ari, babe come down! I have something for you" I hear Sean yell from downstairs
I smile as I hear his voice, turn off my tv and run downstairs.
"Babe! You made it!" I yell hoping on him and giving him a kiss.
"Yeah I couldn't miss your moms party baby" he says
"She's gonna be so happy to see you here" I say holding his hand and bring him upstairs to my room.
"Where's your mom?" He asks as we lay in my bed
"She went out with nonna to get last minute things for the party" I say
"Who else is coming?" He asks concerned
"Well just family and friends, my dad is coming" I say
He looked nervous, today is the first time he will be meeting the rest of my family.
"Don't worry, they'll love you" I say giving him a kiss on the lips.
He smiles and takes out his phone to take pics of us.
After 10 minutes we hear the garage door open and walk downstairs to meet my mom and nonna, the butler is helping her with the groceries
"I'll take it from here Tom, thank you" I tell the butler as I take the bags from his hands
"Hi baby, hi Sean" my mom says
"Oh hi there handsome" my Nona says
"Oh nonna always cracking jokes" he replies laughing
I laugh along and we help my mom set up the rest of the things for her party.

A couple of hours later people start to slowly show up. Alexa, Brian and Scott, Riky, my dad, Frankie, and scooter were the first ones to show up.
"Hi scooter" I say to my manager
"Hi Ari, ready to come back to the studio?" He asks as he eats some potato salad
"Yeah, Sean and I have been working on some music" I say
"That's great. But I got something better" he says winking
"What are you talking about?" I ask laughing
"Come by my house tomorrow and I'll show you" he says smiling
"Oh ok" I say chuckling nervously

Later on through the night more family members started to show up, they all were so happy to see me since I've been out of Florida for some time because of my album release and the promo.

"Ari bust out the guitar, and sing" scooter said as we all sat around the fire place inside my living room, since it was too cold outside.
"Wow ok" I say
"Thanks for putting me in the spot" I whisper to him
"I'll play the guitar" my dad says
"What are you gonna sing?" He asks
I look at Sean and smile, he shakes his head
"Um since Sean is here, I think I'm going to sing right there" I say my whole family turns to look at him, he smiles awkwardly
"By the way he's my boyfriend" I say holding his hand.
He smiles and some of my aunts 'Awh'
I laugh and my dad starts playing 'Right There' Sean starts to rap and I start to sing.

At the end of the song everyone starts clapping and cheering. My mom was recording and she quickly uploads it to her Instagram tagging me and Sean
"Greatest voices and greatest birthday" the caption says.
I give her a kiss and the party continues.

My family slowly starts to leave after we sing 'Happy Birthday' to my mom, so it's just our friends, Frankie, and nonna. The clock hit 1am and my mom and nonna went to sleep
"Kids please don't make so much noise" my mom says laughing
We all laugh.
" oh my god, y'all want to see a scary movie?" Frankie asks
We all agree
I run upstairs and get a bunch of blankets.
Frankie, Riky, and scooter sit on the couch.
Brian,Scott,Alexa, Sean and I lay on the floor.
I sit between Sean's legs, because although horror movies are my favorite I still get super scared.

We picked The Conjuring and we started to watch it. Through out the movie we were screaming and laughing, and it eventually came to an end. Brian,Scott,Frankie, Riky and Sean slept over. Scooter decided to go home. Alexa slept in the guest room, she usually sleeps with me but Sean is here so she's giving us some space. Sean and I slept in my room and the rest of the guys slept in the living room. Sean and I brushed our teeth and got ready for bed, he just wore some boxers and I wore an over size shirt of his. We lay under the covers, his hand on my hips.
"I love you" I say kissing him
"Me too baby" he says
And we both slowly fall asleep.

Hey so ugh new fanfic. I got this idea last night and I just had to write it down! Justin isn't introduced yet but hope y'all like it so far! Comment what you think, like pls 💘

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