Character Info

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A/N So if anyone actually starts reading, you need to know that this is a collaboration between two people and things might not match at some points. One of us is doing Alexis' P.O.V and the other is doing Atlas'. Ok? Ok. Also this is our first book so try and go easy on us.  Anyways this is just some things to know about the two main characters.  If you guys have any question feel free to ask through the comments and we will try to answer as best as possible. Also we are working on a cover for the book just give us some time but for now enjoy the two cats.

Name: Alexis Hikari Code

Code name: Electric Skater

Hair: Black with blue streaks 

Eyes: blue

Height: 5'7

Gender: female

Power: electricity control and creation.

Remunition: Eating candy

Age: 17

Likes: taking photos on her camera, spicy food and anime.

Personality: Untrusting, slightly crazy (very when mad), lies A LOT, serious on out side, acts on instinct. 


Normal: blue jeans, all black converse, blue and white striped shirt, and a leather and Jean hoddie. Sometimes wears a black or blue beanie. She also usually carries a backpack with many items. Her last accessory is her famous skateboard.

In action: Black hightop Vans, black jeans, a belt which holds some weapons, plain blue shirt, and a trench coat that shows an electricity pattern producing from the middle back, and no finger black gloves. Her clothing is always bullet proof. And her skate board of course.

Skateboard: design is on the bottom and it will be a skull with bolts crossing on the back. It was made so that it can fold in half for easy storing, she can then place it on her back. Also When a button is pushed is becomes a hover board. (Cool right?)

She has a scar on the back of her left hand shaped as a volt.

Name: Atlas Phoenix 

Code name: Inferno 

Gender: Male

Age: 18 

Height: 6

Ability: Fire control and creation 

Remmunition: Drink a cold drink


Not in action: Clumsy, Childish, Quiet, Competitive

In action: Clumsy, Childish, Sneaky at times, Lies a lot, Can be insane at times


Normal look: Teeny shoes, Black hoodie with Black jeans, Wears a satchel to carry items, Black hair 

In action: Hover shoes that can be turned on and off, Black jeans with Black hoodie with a phoenix on the back, Roots of the hair are red while the ends of the hair are blue.

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