unexpected match

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Today was the Billboards award party and Justin had just got off stage from preforming take you. "Aye I'll back I got to go to the bathroom" Justin said. Justin didn't really have to go to the bathroom he just wanted some alone time........ Justin walked into the bathroom and opened one of the stalls to see a boy sitting there on his phone (His pants were on he was just sitting there)  I gasp and walks back "Aye I'm sorry um Harry?" I looked up it was Harry........ Harry Styles. "It's okay Justin! I just wanted some alone time from everyone  else out there" Harry said smiling when he smiled his dimples showed.......... I gave him a smile back  "You came here for the same reason I did." I said laughing  "It's so many people out there  and I can't do anything at all!" He said smiling  "Aye man it's gonna be alright just relax while you can" I said looking at him.... Harry got up  and shaked my hand I smiled and shaked his hand "Well I gotta get back out there... Um we should hang out something yeah?" Harry said smiling "Yeah here's my number" Justin said putting his phone number in Harry's phone "See ya later buddie!" I said smiling "See you later Justin" Harry said walking out the bathroom Justin sat there just thinking about Harry...... "I'm not gay but..... He's perfect" Justin said to himself smiling. He got up and walked out the bathroom and went into his dressing room.

Harry's Point Of View

I couldn't take it anymore!  All the lights flashing and fans screaming I needed space!!! I got up and told my mates that I was going into the bathroom of course they noded and I walked to the bathroom I sighed in happiness and I walked into the bathroom stall on my phone... I had to be in there for like 3 or 4 mintues because someone came in I sat there In shocked  hoping it wasn't a fan the bathroom stall where I was ..... I looked up to see very big brown eyes look down at me, he backed up and said the most cutest thing "Aye I'm sorry um Harry?" I got up and looked at him "Hey Justin it's okay I wanted some alone time from everything ya know?" I said smiling Justin look and me so I smiled also "Yeah man I know how you feel that's why I'm here" He said laughing "It's so many people out there and I can't do shit!" I laughed. Justin and I sat there for hours and sat and talked until I heard a knock at the door  "Hey Harry are you okay!?? You've haven't came out in hours!" I heard someone said I'm guessing it was Louis. "I'll be out soon!" I yelled back turn to Justin "Well I got to go here let me put my number in your phone" I said smiling  Justin smiled at me and give me his phone and I put my number in his cellphone "Text me when you get to your hotel room!" I said walking to the door "See you later buddie!" Justin said smiling "See you later Justin" I said giving him one last smile as I walked out the door. All that day I couldn't think about anything else.. Just  Justin.... His eyes his smile his hair his lips I sat in the chair not even watching anything Louis hit my arm and I snaped out of it "Huh???" I said looking confused  "Watch the people perform! We're next!!" Louis said raising his eyebrow "Okay Okay Okay!" I said looking at him.  Louis Liam Niall Zayn and I got up from our seats and went on stage I noticed the first person in the front row it was Justin. He smiled and claped as we started singing "Kiss you" At the end of kiss you we were suppose to point to someone so I point to a random person but that person wasn't a random person......... It was Justin. I laughed as he giggled at me and then we went off stage going backstage.... Somehow Justin is like very fast because I saw him BACKSTAGE! Like how crazy?! I walked up to him "Hey Justin" I smiled "Hey there Haz! Well I'm going to go to my hotel!  I'l text you later!" He said hugging me. I hugged him back "Okay text me!" "okay!" He said walking out the place" I started thinking about him again.... He was truly amazing........

Back to Jusitn POV (:

I walked out the bathroom to sit down and I heard a person saying that one direction was coming up to sing I smiled as Harry came up I stood up claping and cheering he smiled as he started to sing "Kiss You" at the end of the song each member pointed at some random people and Harry pointed to me! I giggled alittle getting up from my seat going backstage. I say Harry coming over to me "Hey Justin" He said smiling "Hey Haz! I got to go to my hotel so I'll text you!" I said hugging him "okay" he said smiling I walked out to leave looking back to see harry standing smiling.

I don't know what's going on........... But I'm falling for him............

unexpected matchWhere stories live. Discover now