Authors note.

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Hey everyone. It's Darth.
Just a reminder that this is a Fanfic, I do not own any of the characters featured in this book. This chapter is to summarise the story without giving anything away, so you can determine if you will continue reading thanks. By the way, Anakin was never burned on Mustafar in this story.
-Darth Evans

"Anakin. No!" I yelled.
That was too long ago to remember more. So distant. Now he's a Sith. From my master to a Sith Lord. Obi wan and I look after Luke and Leia. I've ceased my training. I haven't slept in a while
I can still see his yellow eyes clearly in my mind. That day plays over in my head. Anakin left to be a Sith and Padmé died. I can still vividly see him choke her. If only he knew the full storyline of his dreams. It is my duty to save the light within him.

Stop the dark within him. (Anakin Skywalker x reader.)Where stories live. Discover now