For Old Times Sake

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As we skipped along the pavement, hand in hand, we sung to the words of the old nursery rhyme 'Jack and Jill'. Our school bags on our back and our black shoes slightly tattered from a few trips and falls. Having just run, as Calvin had evily chased me with a snail around the schools parking lot.

As we neared our homes, which were next to eachother, Calvin whispered, thinking someone might hear "Steal a few of Marys cookies for me will ya?". I rolled my eyes and whispered back "Alright, I will meet you out here in a tick then. My bike is in the garage because father said it looked 'awefully' messy on the lawn, so I might be a little longer" I giggled and then ruffled his hair and ran through my gate and into the house.

"I'm home mama!" I shouted running towards my mothers office. I stood in front of the door, one hand behind my back, the other raised as I quietly knocked three times as father said I should. I never quite understood why but followed his words anyway.

"Come in darling" I heard my mothers soft voice say. I opened the door and skipped up to her desk and sat down in front on the black leather chair. My mother rose her head gave me a warm smile, standing up and making her way around the desk towards me. She picked me up and I spealed as she spun me around laughing. She put me back down on both me feet. "How was your day sweetheart?" She questioned a smile still pastered onto her face.

"It was great, I'd really love to stay and chat but me and Calvin have to head to the tree, as you probably know already, and I have to get my bike out of the garage too. I love you, good bye ma" I kissed her cheek and started to walk towards the door. "Calvin and I" she called as I was about to reach for the handle.
"You mean Calvin and I have to head to the tree."
Of coarse she felt the need to correct me as usual, she was a writer and took great pride in her work seeing as they were bestsellers in all the local newspaper agency's. I guess after being a writer she picked up on more of me speech errors and always felt the need to correct me on them.
"Potato, Patahto." I mumbled walking out the door and towars the kitchen.

*3hrs later (spongebob voice)*

We sat under the tree, my head was rested on Calvins chest, rising and lowering everytime he breathed. We stared up at the clouds finding shapes and animals or just making up new animals such as the 'Elephunny'. Which is apparently a mixture of an elephant and a bunny.


"Yes Calvin?"

"What would happen if I moved back to Spain?"

"Well. I pray you don't, but... if you were to, I would go with you. I never want to you to leave Calvin, you're my best friend."

"Then you would be stuck with Mrs. Nancy by youself" He giggled.

A look of disgust came upon my face as I thought of the horrid woman, "Please do not leave me with her, I am beginning to think she is the devil formed into an old lady with a pointy nose."

Calvin laughed and I could feel his chest vibrate. "I love you Ally."

"I love you too Calvin."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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