Part 1

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"... but Lauren, are you sure? This is not something to joke about, you know?" Lucy asks the girl with a brutal hangover.

The two girls are sitting on the king size bed in Lucy's room, where they both crashed after coming home in the wee hours of the night. One of Lucy's friends from dance class, Normani, threw a huge party at her place. Her parents were out of town and she had told Lucy to invite anyone she wanted. Naturally, she brought her best friend, the one now lying right beside her, covering her eyes with her elbow to try and block out the sunlight.

"How can you be sure of it, though?" The girl tries opening her eyes, squinting because of the brightness in the white room. "It's just a feeling and last night it felt right to do it. By the way, I wouldn't joke about something like that and you know it." She pauses for a moment. "Do you remember everything that happened?"

Lucy lets out a laugh. "I remember everything that happened, yes, because unlike some people I didn't have too much to drink."

The girl next to her groans at the statement and turns to lie on her stomach, her face now pushed into the pillow she's holding.

"Don't give me that attitude, young lady, nobody forced you to down all those shots!" Lucy asserts, slapping the other girl's ass.

Turning her head, Lauren opens her bright green eyes and tries to focus them on Lucy's face. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry," she grumbles, "but could you not be so damn loud? And can you please explain what happened, because most of last night is one big blur to me, apart from that one clear moment."

"Alright, since I know that you're suffering right now, I'll get you some aspirin. I'll be right back, babe," she says before heading off. In no time she was back with a tray.

"Lo? You still alive?" The girl jokes to get the other's attention.

Sitting up slowly, Lauren rubs her temples softly to try and soothe the throbbing in her head. When she sees the tray with all that she wanted in that moment, the girl instantly smiles at the thought of feeling better in about half an hour.

"Luce, did you know that you are the best friend a girl could ask for?" She thanks her friend.

"Of course, I also got you some orange juice, because I know you probably don't feel like eating, but this has some energy in it, so," she smiles kindly. "Now, let me tell you what happened. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember arriving at Normani's place and getting in... I also remember the first cups of beer we had and talking to that one really weird guy who kept coming back to us. What was his name? Andrew?"

"Austin, but continue," Lucy chuckles.

"Okay yeah, whatever, he wasn't worth it anyway. I think I basically remember to the point where you went to the bathroom and someone suggested doing body shots."

Lucy smiles amused at the thought, she hadn't been gone for five minutes and it proved that she couldn't leave her friend alone at parties. When she came back, the girl was lying on a table without her shirt on and with a bunch of people surrounding her. One of the guys eagerly moved in to start his turn, but Lucy quickly intervened. The girl was made out for a party pooper, but she didn't really care, Lauren's reputation came first in that moment.

She guided her over to stand with the rest of her dance friends and that's where they stayed for most of the night.

"Okay, you didn't miss the key point in last nights events, so that's a good thing," Lucy starts, earning another groan from Lauren.

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