Dear Sister

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I walked into the club looking for her. I couldn't stop questioning myself. Were could she be? Should I leave? Am I even at the right place? Then it hit me. There she is looking at me with shock,fear confusion written all over her face. I knew she feared me like crazy, she didn't know what to do...So she ran. I don't where to, its like my feet has a mind of its own as if they knew were she was going. My mind was over flooded with so many emotions. Anger, hate, sadness, relief? Next thing I know I'm on the ground in the middle of the woods. I was tackled by her. Her ...she ruined everything. My life, my home... my happiness. All I know is she's gonna pay, big time.

"Daniella?" she said while panting

Seems like she knew I was running after her.

" The one and only" I said with an evil smirk on my face

I got up and pinned her to a tree by her neck, breaking her hand as well. I threw her across the ground. I can see she's scared, its practically radiating off of her. "Dear sister, don't let me beat you senseless. Come on, put up a fight. Give it shot... sweetheart". She rushed at me and punched my in the face twice. I gotta give it to her , she's gotten stronger but so have I. After all I am the strongest creature alive. If she thinks she can beat me, she's gone mad. I vamped at her punching her as well. Then, grabbing her by the neck and flipping her over onto the ground. She laid there struggling out of my grasp to her neck. She almost got out so I sat on top of her. There was no way she'd get out now.I was waiting for this moment my whole life. Me killing her would end the misery she caused me.

"I've waited a thousand years for this! To end shall pay for what you've done!"I said with anger in my veins. Maybe even a little remorse. No matter who you are, it still hurts to harm family. But this is different. She deserved this. So I shoved my hand into her chest.

"I'm sorry. I never would've done it if I didn't have to" She pleaded

I ignored her and laughed in her face. Then I was back to being serious.

"In the name of our family, Aya-" Before I had a chance to kill her, I was thrown off. Not physically but magically. Of course she has witches on her side. When running from someone, you need help. Witches are a pain in the ass. They gave me multiple aneurysms and it hurt like a bitch.I tried to vamp speed to one of them but I got more aneurysms. When it stopped, I opened my eyes to find that no ones there. I was angry. Actually I was more than angry, I was fuming. I let a growl escape my mouth before I punched a tree causing it to fall over.

"AHHHHH!! Bloody hell" I said to myself

It was getting late so I went back to my car to go home. I loved my car, its a matte black audi r8, it's the best if the best.I also love home, it's everything I imagined it to be. I bought it myself, just kidding I compelled it free. I soon as I got home I took a long shower and went to bed early. I usually don't go to bed early but tomorrow is going to be a long day because I'm going to a different town. Mystic Falls to be exact. There someone there I want to see. Actually many someones.


September 20, 2011

Dani's P.O.V

The next day was crazy and it was only the morning. I'm not used to getting up early, but I wanted to get to Mystic Falls before night. I wore my favourite pair of TNA leggings and a white spaghetti strap top with a light jean jacket and my red and white vans. I only put on mascara,lip gloss and a little bit of concealer; I really don't need makeup, Not trying to be cocky or anything. My hair is naturally curly, so I left it like that. I was in my car blasting my favourite song called 'Raise Hell' by my favourite band called 'DOROTHY' as I passed the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'.

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