Chapter 1.

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Jade POV

   I tucked my light brown hair behind my ear and sat up in my bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. A quick glance at my clock and I groaned lightly, not wanting to be up this early on a sunday. I stripped the warm comforter off my bare legs and tiptoed to the bathroom, turning on the shower. I held my hand under the water until it was warm enough to turn my skin a light pink and I slipped from my pajamas and stepped into the shower. I closed my eyes and let the water rinse away the rest of my sleep while gently adding shampoo to my thick locks.
   The banging on my bedroom door informed me that I had to get out and I was probably in the shower for quite some time. I looked at my pruney fingers and wrinkled my nose, reaching for the faucet and turning off the shower. Shivering, I wrapped my towel around my body and padded across my room to my closet scanning the hangers for something to wear. I settled with a tight gray top and a pair of jeans ripped in some places, adding one of my favorite red marbek jackets. It was simple but comfortable and that's all I really cared about.
"Jade sweetie, breakfast is on the table" my mom popped her head around my bedroom door and gave me a small smile.
"Yes mam, I'll be right down." I nodded and closed my closet door quickly changing into the chosen outfit.
   As I was pulling on a pair of doc martens my phone buzzed and I glanced over seeing Perries name across the screen. My thumb hovered over the green button as I debated if I was awake enough for her cheery attitude. No matter what time of day it was she was always super stoked. About two seconds later my ear was filled with her light Geordie accent.
"Hello Jade, we still on today?" she asked, confirming our plans to meet at the coffee shop. I nodded as I laced up my shoes and realized she couldn't see me, "Yes, I'm leaving in about five minutes. I'll text you when I'm there."
"Okay, see you then." she hung up and I laughed softly to myself, just thinking how great she was.
   When I walked into the kitchen, my mom was clearing off her plate in the sink from breakfast and I frowned wishing I had come down sooner.
   I walked over and pecked her cheek, making her smile, "Goodmorning, thanks for breakfast." I took a quick bite of a piece of toast and grabbed my purse from the counter quickly looking inside and making sure my necessities were in there, charger, money, phone, etc.
   She looked over her shoulder at me and frowned, "You should sit down and put something in your stomach Jade Amelia." she half-scolded me.
   I smiles innocently and slipped my phone in my back pocket of my skinny jeans, "I'm meeting Pez at the cafe and we have a project due tomorrow, so I gotta go. But I'll get something there." I blew her a kiss and she smiled waving her hand at me to go.
   I returned her smile and quickly spun on my heels, walking out the front door and started the ten minute walk down the sidewalk to the cafe.
   Taking my phone out, I quickly texted Perrie telling her I left so she had a heads up of when I would get there. But as I was looking down and my fingers were going across the keyboard, a voice caught my attention and made me jump slightly, snapping me out of my own thoughts. My eyes flew up and I searched the face standing in front of me, but I didn't recognize him...or actually hear what he said.
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." I felt slightly embarrassed that I completely didn't even notice him. He looked at the ground briefly and chuckled softly before meeting my gaze again, "No, it's alright. I was just wondering if you could help me with some directions."
   His accent wasn't thick, but his voice was low and almost velvety. And he had these eyes that were a deep green. I shook my head ever so softly and raked my brain trying to remember what he asked just moments ago.
"Um, yes. I think so." I slid my own phone back into my pocket and I saw him give me a smile and take out his.
"I'm meeting a friend somewhere nearby but I got confused. He gave me a brief description." he turned his screen to me and I read the text message slowly, "Meet me at the brick place store thing on the road with the three stop signs."
   I looked back up at the boy and rose an eyebrow, "Your friend is not really good at giving directions."
   He chuckled softly and shoved his hands deep into his skinny jean pockets.
"Yeah, but you wouldn't happen to have any idea of where that could be?"
I laughed lightly and ran a hand through my hair messing with it, "I actually do. There's only one street with three stop signs but I only know that because I have lived here for who knows how long. I'm actually going to the same area so I can show you?"
He nodded and shrugged a bit, "Yeah that would help a lot."
I nodded and started to walk down the sidewalk to the cafe.
   "So are you just visiting or.." I let my voice trail off as I awkwardly tried to start a conversation.
The boy glances over at me and then fixed his gaze straight ahead, "Just moved a couple days ago. But I know a couple friends in town so it's not bad."
I nodded and bit the inside of my cheek. I hated socializing. I was bad at it and I hated it because I'm an awkward lame piece of nothing.
I decided to just avoid talking and I focused on kicking the same pebble all the way down the cement.
   I looked up after a few moments of silence and I saw the cafe up ahead and my chest filled with joy. It may seem over dramatic but I had many reasons to be filled with joy. In about a minute I would be away from the  stranger, I would be with Perrie, and I would have warm coffee burning my throat slightly. So it's turning out to be a good morning.
   As we walked up to the cafe I stopped outside the door and turns to him, "Well this is where I'm going." then I gestured to the street, "And this is the street with the three stop signs. So good luck dude." I grabbed the doorknob but he took it instead and opened the door for me.
"I'm going in aswell, since it's the only brick store thingy on this street."
I looked at the outside walls and frowned as I saw the brick, and then shrugged, "Well then thanks." I stepped in and my nostrils were filled with the heavenly smell of freshly brewed coffee.
"Jade!" I heard a familiar voice calling for me and I smiled as I saw Perrie stand up and wave towards me. I smiled back and then tilted my head as I saw our other friend Louis sitting beside her. I opened my mouth to speak but he began first, "Harry, over here." I turned around and saw the curly lost boy wave and walk over. I followed him and say across from Perrie and Louis with the 'Harry' taking the spot next to me. I glances at him and he was already looking at me, "So you're Jade." I nodded and then turned back to Perrie.
"So you ran into Lou." I asked as I took the beverage she already ordered for me. She nodded and set her phone down looking over at him, "Yeah he was sitting in our usual seats and then wouldn't budge so I just sat down." she glared at him as she said the last part and he just smiled innocently.
"You know you love me Perrieberrie." he gushed shoving her lightly. She rolled her eyes but smiled shoving him back. "Whatever dork. Now who's your friend?"
Louis looked at Harry and picked at his muffin, "Oh this hunk of cupcake? He's a pal. Just got here."
Harry nodded and reached into his pocket pulling out some money, I'm assuming it was for coffee.
"Are you going to Sheilds High?" I asked curiously.
Louis and him nodded at the same time but Harry stood up and walked over to the register. I watched him and then slowly faced Pez again, sipping my drink. "So the project."

I hope you liked the first chapter!! I'm gonna edit it right now because I just wrote it on my phone 💕
Please vote to help my story grow and if you have any fanfic suggestions for me to read please comment some and I follow back always 💕💕

I love you so much 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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