Christmas Lights (one-shot)

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{Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 10:35 am}

Louis honestly didn't like Christmas. The holiday itself brought him to tears at times because it reminded him how lonely he really was. His family never called to check up on their son or for that matter wish him Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas. They haven't communicated in a little over two years and to say Louis is upset is an understatement.

He hasn't tried to reach out to them either due to fear of being rejected. Again. He came out to them right when he moved out of his parents home, tired of being closeted for 21 years. They didn't welcome him with open arms; instead they yelled at him, spouting hated words toward him and kicking him out.

Now, at 23 years old he still didn't have a family that cared for him or friends that meant something to him. And every Christmas Eve, when he spent his birthday alone, he wondered if his family thought of him. Probably not. They most likely went throughout their day without sparing a second thought to their son that they abandoned.

Louis sighed as he finished up his tea, tossing the cup into the sink and making a mental note to wash it later. He slipped into his coat, grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around his neck and put on fingerless gloves.

He grabbed his keys, opening the front door and stepping out, shivering as the cold air nipped at his nose. He closed the door behind him, checking if it was locked and taking the porch steps by twos.

The snow crunched under his feet as he walked off his lawn and towards his bookstore that was only a few blocks away. He clenched his teeth as a rough burst of cold air hit him, making him hug himself tightly. He wishes he had a car.

Louis continues on his way, scowling at the Doncaster for being so cold and at all the Christmas lights on the surrounding houses.

He walks past a few houses, stopping at the end when he notices that one of them at the end of the block is no longer vacant. Louis doesn't remember anyone moving in. Needless to say, a man that looks a few years younger than Louis is currently on a ladder, a box tucked to his side. He took the steps on the ladder slowly, careful not to fall.

The ladder was leaned against the side of the house; the stranger was almost to the top. Louis couldn't see his facial features, only the mess of curls flowing past his shoulders, while tucked under a grey beanie.

Louis was about to leave when the stranger missed a step and fell off the ladder with a yelp. The box he was holding spilled its contents, a tangle of Christmas lights fell over the boy.

He fell to the snow and the lights fell on top of him, tangling him like a trap. He groaned and tried to rid himself of the mess of lights.

"Fuck." The stranger groaned, trying to find a way out. Louis giggled, walking over to help.

"Do you need help?" Louis asks and the stranger freezes.

"Uh--yeah. Please." Louis chuckles, pulling the mess off him. Once he's free the boy stands up, dusting the snow off his back. When he's upright Louis notices how tall he is, just by a few inches but it's there.

And his eyes. They were as green as spring grass and he wishes he could stare at them longer than he was now. The boy looks as if God himself took time to sculpt each and every plane of his body, with broad shoulders and small hips and legs for miles. Louis' eyes cast downward and oh my, if the saying is true about big feet then...

He rid himself of his thoughts when the strangers lips started to move.

"I'm sorry, what?" Louis asks, not so subtly staring at his lips.

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