Rainbow Regrets

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Misaki softly caresses Fushimi's face as he begins to fade slowly from this now meaningless realm, his pulse was getting weaker and weaker by the second. If only he had noticed the greens' kid sneaking behind him. If only he had reacted faster when he heard the distinct cry of warning from Saruhiko. If only he had been able to defend himself, he wouldn't be now lying lifeless on his lap blood pooling around his knees. Munakata, Anna and Shiro stood over them, eyes like a dead fish. Homra, Scepter 4 and the silver clan all knew what Fushimi and Misaki had meant to each other. Even Jungle had ceased their fire for this moment. They weren't enemies. They were not friends. They loved each other, both just too stubborn to admit that fact. They could not imagine life without each other.


Misaki let out a small whimper, hand tightening around Saruhiko's. Saruhiko should be lounging around in their apartment right now. They had planned to meet up tonight, share their usual curry on rice before watching netflix and chilling together.


A single tear dripped down Misaki's face landing on Saruhiko's cold lips. He held back a gurgled cry. He couldn't cry now, not in front of everyone as their eyes of pity bore holes into his back. But he didn't care anymore, Saruhiko, his beloved, was gone, never to return. He clenched his teeth and let out a ear piercing scream towards the heavens as if cursing its every being. Not even the gods could stop the tears that were flowing down his face. That was when all fell silent within Saruhiko's body.


Misaki felt tears beginning to stream uncontrollably down his face. All he could taste was saltiness, either from the tears or the regret of not being able to protect the one that meant the most to him. "SARUHIKOOOOOOO," He screamed making sure that the heavens could feel his grief, "WHY HIM? WHY NOT ME? TAKE ME INSTEAD. DON'T LEAVE ME."

Rain poured down as if answering his calls.

A sudden fulmination of lightning snapped him out of his mournful crying. Everyone's attention turned towards where the slates lay. The cursed slates, if not for them Misaki would still have his beloved alive and well. A maelstrom of anger erupted inside him. He tried to control it as his attention was once again drawn back to the unmoving Saruhiko lying in his lap, the colour slowing returning to his beloved's face.

Something was wrong.

Before he could process what was going on, Anna fell to the ground with an agonizing cry, Munakata and Shiro following swiftly after. Not far in the distance, Nagare and Iwa's grievous screams could also be heard, their bodies spasming violently. Misaki stared on in shock. What was happening? Excruciating pain roared through both the bodies of the kings as another clap of thunder brought his attention towards the now heavily clouded sky.

Misaki was speechless, he couldn't believe his eyes. The clouds had parted slightly just above the two's heads, casting a spotlight onto the pair, as if the heavens were finally responding to Misaki's calls. And that's when he felt it, felt the faint twitch of Saruhiko's finger. He proceeded to place his ear onto Saruhiko's chest. He could hear it beating. The tears were back, this time even more uncontrollably. The dam had finally broken.

Saruhiko let out a voiceless gasp, coughing up blood. Misaki, who quickly wiped away any stray tears, was immediately at his side, lifting him up into a sitting position and rubbing comforting circles on his back.

"Welcome back..." Misaki whispered gently into Saruhiko's ear.

Saruhiko forced a half grimace, "It's not over yet."

The confusion was evident on Misaki's face, "What do you mean?"

"The slates," Saruhiko let out, ".....You need to destroy them."

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