My Grandmamma

75 8 4

She was growing too old,

Her hair half grey grown,

Her swollen oedematic face,

Her hypothyroidism known!

She drinks her Complan

She eats a little,

Of mangoes she likes,

Now forbidden known!

Once a patient of heart attack,

Once a patient of kidney stone,

Once a patient of cataract,

And a patient of patience known!

Her chronic gastritis made her forbid the potato,

Her allergies myriad, of varying test dose tested upon;

Her medicines in a box of different hues,

And her Dulcolax eccentrically known!

The spectacles of her broken,

The walking stick in a corner,

Her back aches ruthless;

And her Amrutanjan, famous known!

Love of hers endless

Seamless like the ocean,

Of her five daughters born;

And her nine grandchildren now on!

She lost her very first baby soon after birth,

She lost her only son in her mid-age,

She lost her youngest daughter in her old age,

And her plight known!

She narrates me the stories of her past,

Of her big house and backyard

Of her Father,Mother and Brother.

And her place for fishes known!

Her Holy Cross Convent School,

Where Nuns once taught,

The buggy in which she travels;

Of pride , even now known!

She made her food once,

She kept her budget fixed once,

She wrote letters to her daughters once,

Once done now not known!

She prays all the time

A rosary in her hand,

The prayer rug where she prostrates;

To The Almighty Creator, her devotion known!

A poem penned down to her;

Of her birthday unknown,

My Grandmamma has grown too old;

And it is known!


The Dearest Granddaughter


Her Loving Grandmamma

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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