Crystal Academy for the Gifted

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"Ugh I hate it here," thought Summer as she walked through the crowded hallways of her school. She wasn't exactly a people person, since she was often thought of as a freak by her peers.

Summer was used to being alone and although that might sound sad, she grew quite fond of the silence and emptiness inside her cozy apartment.

She blew her black bangs back out of her face as her feet shuffled along the tiles, leading her to her next session of hell for the day. As Summer walked she noticed something strange out of the corner of her eye, a guy in a ragged hoody who she could've sworn she's seen all day today.

Wait...was he stalking her? "Totally not creepy dude," she thought sarcastically to herself then started strolling towards him. "Hey you, what's your problem?" she asked as her eyes narrowed, looking him up and down with her arms crossed over her petite body. He kicked himself off of the wall and towered over her "Well it took you long enough to notice me."

She furrowed her eyebrows confused " have been stalking me then?" He laughed softly at her "You can call it stalking I guess, but really I wanted to test you," he said as his eyes suddenly glowed a bright red seemingly staring into her soul.

Her eyes widened in surprise and she took a step back as he took a step forward. He opened his hands and flames erupted as he smirked evilly down at her then shot out flames from his hands directly towards her.

Summer, not knowing what to do turned and covered herself then suddenly a red barrier blocked the flames, dispersing them. Summer's eyes glowed crimson and she looked up at the mysterious man. "Oh you're gonna regret that," she stated while smirking up at her attacker "You have no clue what I'm capable of."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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