Chapter 1

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Alex awoke with several tattoos on her ankle, a splitting headache, and a naked ex - boyfriend in her bed. Just to be clear, Alex wasn't a hoe.

She was a drunk hoe!

Alex sighed. She'd never hear the end of this from her parents, who were pastors. They were always trying to coax her to marry Dan. He was so generic and nothing about him was interesting. His brown hair was always combed over like Emmet from The Lego Movie and his brown eyes were so... so boring! He was nice, calm and sweet. He was an accountant and taught the childrens' Sunday School.

Basically he was Alex's parents idea of a perfect son - in - law.

Now to describe our sweet dear Alex.

She had long brown ombre hair that reached her butt, which was on POINT since she did 10 squats every day. Her green eyes had blue specks in them and she had perfect pouty lips. She had a diamond nose ring, and now ankle tattoos. Alex was a college graduate with a degree in teaching. She was 22, and a party girl.

After coaxing here ex out of bed, she called her main bitch, Kyla.

Kyla was taller than Alex and had legs like a supermodel. Her short blonde hair was always perfectly curly and her bright blue eyes never had a single bag under them.

"Hey Kyla." Alex said, pouring herself a bowl of Lucky Charms.

"Hey girl. I heard you got turnt up at the club last night."

Alex moaned, remembering her headache.

Kyla cackled evily into the recivor.

"Was that the sound you made with Noah last night?"

Alex scoffed.

"Pul - leeze. You know he's basically a baby pickle."

They both laughed.

Suddenly, Alex got a call.

"Well, I better take this boo." Said Alex.

"BYE TROLL." Kyla screamed.

Alex rolled her eyes before hanging up.

She answered the call.

"Hey, it's Alex."

"Hello Ms. Grey. Drive down to the club you were at last night... if you want to live."

The person hung up before Alex could say anything.

Then to herself she muttered, "Tha f?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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