New Day, New Year

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Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

"Five more minutes!" Violet grumbled into the pillow.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The sound continued until it dawned on Violet that her phone was getting a phone call. Who could be calling me at this time?!

She reached for the phone and answered with a groggy voice. "Hello?"

"I'm surprised you're not up yet. It's New Year's Eve and we only have tee minus thirteen hours until the guest will arrive."

"Huh? Who is this?" Her brain was still clearing from the fog of sleep.

"Violet! How could you forget about me?! I am your best friend. Your partner in crime. Your other half that's not your boyfriend."

"Rose? Why are you calling me at," she checked the clock on her night stand, "five in the morning? Shouldn't you still be asleep?"

There was giggling on the other end. "No silly. All this excitement woke me up. Plus I had a cup of coffee."

"That doesn't answer my question." Violet's patients was growing thin.

"Oh right. Ok I just wanted to see if you'd be over soon. There's so much to do with so little time."

Pulling the phone away from her face, Violet sighed deeply. "Give me twenty minutes. I swear you better have a cup of coffee waiting for me when I walk in."

There was a loud squeal, causing Violet to pull the cell phone from her ear. "Alright buddy. I'll see you soon." The line went dead.

Violet laid the phone down gently while clicking the end button. I love her, but Rose is going to be the end of me one day.


"One cup of hot coffee just like you asked." Rose announced as she opened the door for Violet.

"How did you even-"

"I saw your car. It's kinda hard to miss a green car at five thirty in the morning. Now come on!"

Rose dragged Violet into the small dinning room area where all the decorations were sprawled across the table. Everything from party hats to streamers were there. Violet could not believe how much Rose could collect in only a day.

I guess being an only child has its perks. Violet thought as she began to sort through the inventory.

"Everything should be here. We just need to actually decorate, but we'll have to be a bit quiet. I don't want to wake my parents up."

Violet smiled, "Challenge excepted!"

Both girls laughed and joked as they turned the small dining room and living room combination into a presentable party space for there liking. After four long hours of work, both Violet and Rose were ready to collapse from exhaustion.

Rose placed the final sign into place. "There! All done!"

"Thank God! I don't think I could handle another minute of this. I'm not going to look forward to cleaning this all up tomorrow Rose."

"Don't worry about it. We still have a year until we need to clean it up." Rose laughed at her own joke while Violet simply glared at her.

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