oysters 1

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Hi my name is oysters I am a anime girl. I am cute and shy and perfect but also.... I am boy crazy.
Todey is muh first day of anime high skool!!!!!!!!!#!#
I am gOUNG to make a lot of boyfriends WONK
and maybe some friends but I was never good at making friends....
Today I walk into my brand new anime high school. I am greeted by a teacher who is also very pretty.
I say "ah herro"
And she say "hiiii"
And later at lunch I sit by my new bestie. Her name is Berthafilachoo just like an anime name :D
Btw my name is Chochirpaatase.
I say "ah herro" to my best friend
She say shut up
We eats of ur lunches
I am eat of an ice cream sandwitchsome fires and some hamburgers.
Wen we arevdone earing i notace a hot boy sitting ALL ALONE .WHY IS SOMEONE SO HOT SITTING ALL OBE???!!#
I wake up to hjm. "Ah herro lol" I announce.
"Hi" he whimpered.
"I wanted to say.... l like ur shtrirt i liek ur plants I like your stupid hair. And I want to grit married. Also I'm a furry."
"Cool", he said handsimely. "I like your anime girl ness"
'Thamk." I walk away and BAXK to my best friend. "Ah herro!"
'Just say hello " my best friend screamef.
"I love uuuuuuu!" I squeal. "Copl" she says uglyoly.
"Meet my bf" I tell her
She met the hot guy.
"That's my ex!!!!" She whispered.
"Oh my goissnes" I screamed. Z"I guess we can break yo!
I say a quick a h herro to my bf.
My nd says "who are u"
I say. #I'm an anime hotel".
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever hears! "He squealed limeca piglet.
I though I was the only piglet here :o
I said it wins time for my next period. I had to class for Math whixh was my next oerioud. "Ah herro-" I said then asked for a tampon.
I sat down . I heard someone speaking
"THATS THE GIRL THAT AAYS SH HERO $" the speaker speakrd.
"Ooooo" I Saud and a,wild emo bunny appeared.
The bunny camd wiyh my anime girl brother who is made of rainbow s

"Hi I like aliens!" He said and sat down
I scream.
"Ok wokfhabg" and he lef. Or DHE?
Class has started folkys." A did announced. "Chm cum new student"
"AH HERRO " I say. "My name is Wolfgang Gem and I am a real anime girl!"
"Ur a boy and you're clearly American " sum gut who was mother announced
"Mom?" I say
"Tim 4 cladsssss!! $ the teAcher screeched

After class lol

I walk up to all my boyfriends. Or girlfriends. I haven't decided.
"Hey dude" said a girl like she was flirting with me
"I'm an anime girl!" I screamed.
"My i.e. nor/ they screamed

The next day I went to school an# who should I seeeeeee
But my ex boyfriend! !!!!!!!!444
His name was Momo.
"Ah herro momo" I said sadly.
(note: Momo is not mine and not urs)
More note: he or she is pissibly my friend's but idk)

I went to gym class and changed into kawaii anime girl gym underwear.
And I got in trouble for sum reason.
So I unchanged into my cheerleader uniforms.
I stole this uniform from my ex Kellie
(Notw: Kellie is not urszl

I am kind of crazy ........


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