Untitled Story Part

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"That rat!" You will get what you deserve!" I exclaimed to no one in particular, with only a lonesome gamin the only to hear, he quickly scurried off. After some time of soberly sitting there I eventually came back to my senses. I could scarcely understand what had just happened to me, let alone a real motivation. I realized that I must be dirty from such a rough night. My name, Fortunato, was true. I had escaped death by the slimmest of margins. I got closer to the river, I felt the need to wash the experience from my face, I looked down . . . my hair was white! A rush of terror ran over me but it quickly turned to indignant fury! I was going to kill Montresor.
The water had a restoring effect and I decided to go back to my palazzo and care for myself, to see my family and be assured of their safety. I figured to move stealthily through the city in the event that Montresor or conspirators were about. I arrived home, my mind still turning the events over. I wanted to xrag Montresor out into the street and kill him after revealing what he did. But no, I would kill him the way he tried to murder me; in total secrecy, darkness, and absolute terror.
I began to plot my revenge. I knew that at some point that Montresor would return to the scene of his treachery. He would go to gloat at my demise for his deep seated malice for the house of Montresor was not likely to be so quickly satisfied in one night of death. I figured that I would follow him in disguise and anonymity until he returned to the catacombs.
Day after day, night after night, I surveyed the vile creature going about his life, interacting with friends and family as if I had never existed. Then one evening, after hours of eating and drinking Amontillado with Luchesi, the backstabber, entered the Montresor vaults. My mind raced playing the revenge I am about to commit. The two stumbled along the passages, intoxicated, towards the direction of my supposed final resting place. After a small while we arrived at the same destination as I had predicted. "Those evil pigs, coming to revel in my death." I thought. The pair held their torches in front of them and slowed as they saw the pile of rubble that had been the stone wall that had entombed me previously.
I pulled a pair of pistols and announced my presence. They turned towards my voice. Even in the darkness I could see the look of astonishment and fear on their faces. "Get into the tomb now." They beganto protest, I shot Luchesi in the testicles. He fell to the ground clutching at his crotch, the blood shone in the torchlight. Montresor moved into the tomb. I shackled his wrists with the same manacles he had used on me, the significance was not lost. Montresor begged for his life. I gave him his torch and shot him, too, in the penis and sealed him in the tomb.
I waited until the pair was dead and then grabbed some good wine from the faults and left the rats to eat their dead carcasses. I returned to the palazzo and seduced his wife and then went home to my own family. It turned me into a monster and I no longer introduced myself as Fortunato but as Ill Fato the Fornicato.

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