Free Falling [Jared Leto]

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I felt his fingers running down my back as he continued to kiss my neck while could feel his warm breath tickle the soft skin behind my ears. His hands were like ecstasy, I needed them. No, I needed him.

His hands kept roaming my body and our breathing got heavier.  Suddenly he leaned down and whispered into my ear.

“Angela, your lunch break is over! Get back to your job!”  My boss screamed at me in Danish, waking me up from my little daydreaming. [i] God that was weird.[/i]  I got up from the chair and quickly stretched.  Sarah came through the door and laughed.

“Do you have any idea about how your hair looks right now? Gosh it looks like you just came down from The Demon in Tivoli” She laughed as she searched through her bag. She took out a small hair tie from her bag and gave it to me. I tied my hair up and quickly fixed my make up all while Sarah was looking at me, grinning like a maniac.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked her as I tied my apron around my waist. She squealed and smiled even more.

“I’m just stoked for the concert tonight!” She said. I looked at her as I headed for the door. What concert?

“What are you talking about?”  Silence, I stopped walking and turned around to look at her.

“You’re kidding me right?” She said, almost in a whisper. I shook my head, making her eyes wide and she gasped.

“Madina Lake is supporting 30 Seconds To Mars tonight in the KB Hall remember!?” Oh that concert..

Gosh if we weren’t at work I would be dead by now. Naaw its Sarah, she wouldn’t hurt a fly. Oh wait, she takes karate lessons. Yeah I’m screwed.

“Oh that concert, yeah about that.. I really don’t feel like going. “ I said and started walking again. I’m screwed, she’s gonna kill me. I’m dead. I’m going to die, at the age of 22. I can see the headlines

’22 year old brutally murdered by her best friend – “She didn’t want to go with me to 30 Seconds To Mars!” page 12’.

“Please say you’re joking.” Sarah said, popping out in front of me. I sighed and looked at her while she gave me her infamous puppy eyes. [i] I. Hate. My. Life.[/i] I glared at her, trying to resist the temptation to give in.

“Okay, I’ll come” I sighed and Sarah squealed with delight and attacked me with a hug.

“Thank you! Oh I’m of. I’ll be at your place at 7 okay?” She said as she ran out the door. Why is it that I’m friends with her again? I thinks it is our shared obsession for Marianas Trench and Avenged Sevenfold. And when you first meet her, you can’t help but love her. Sarah came running a few seconds later, forcing a small necklace into my hands.

“Wear this for tonight aye? Thanks, I love you!” and she left again, leaving me with a 30 Seconds To Mars necklace in my hands. Yeah can’t help but love her…

I got off from work around six, due to our milkshake machine decided to explode. So now I was all sticky, smelling like someone who had fallen in a strawberry like and sitting in train whilst there were three guys sitting a few rows in front of me. They were speaking English so it was obvious that they weren’t from around here. I stopped looking at the strange men and stared out the window.  The trees passing by started to fade as the train slowly entered the middle of Copenhagen. I felt a pair of eyes looking at me but I wasn’t sure if it was my mind or not playing tricks on me. I looked down at my fingers and started to pick the black nail polish, Sarah often told me that I should stop but I couldn’t help it. I always picked my nails when I was nervous. A voice came over the speakers, saying that the central station was the next stop. I stood up from my seat and made my way to the door, walking past the three guys.

The train came to a stop and I walked out, trying to push my way through the sea of people, all hurrying home from work. I was born in the country, so I shouldn’t be used to the massive amount of people who lived in Copenhagen, but I was. I was never afraid to meet new people; I just needed the time at first to take them in. I wouldn’t talk to a person right away, my mom always told me that I analyzed people before I actually spoke to them.  

My mom is born welsh and my father is Danish, making me part Danish and part welsh but I’ve always seen myself at Danish, since I’ve lived in Denmark from when I was 8. As a kid, it was only my mom and I; No one else, since my father left us when I was 4; saying he couldn’t stand the pressure of a child. For Christ’s sake, the man was 33 and worked at a lawyer. But I was young and couldn’t understand a thing, other than the fact that my father didn’t want me.  After my father left, my mother started to get depressed but she tried to hide it from me. Even though I would find her crying in her room at night; sobbing over my father’s disappearance, she would still take my hand and say it was alright. [i]Angel[/i] was what she used to call me, saying that if I wasn’t with then she didn’t know what to do. I was the guardian angel, she told me that every night; A reminder for me, not to feel useless. And it used to help.

Used to, being the key word here. 

“Excuse me? Do you know where to find a cap around here?” A voice said from behind me and I turned around. It was the guys from the train. I stood still for a moment, my mouth suddenly not able to form any words.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2011 ⏰

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