Chapter one : The night before Monday

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Daniella's P.O.V

"School tomorrow bitch if you're not in bed by ten watch out!!" Mum said slamming my door shut. I fall off my bed .I hopped back on it and placed my head in my hands resting on my knee's I started thinking about all the negative things. I walked over to my mirror and started to get undressed I turned the shower on and hopped in of course it was cold my Mum always makes me have cold showers .My music started playing it was one of my favorite album Made in the Am by One Direction. ( Ten minutes later ) I hopped out and got dressed I unlocked the door Someone leaped on me and slammed me into the wall I felt a sharp pain near my tail bone 

 " I told you to be in bed at ten not 10 past ten " my Mum yelled 

 " I was just showering " I said standing up straight

 " DON'T USE THAT TONE WITH ME !" Mum said I swallowed hard I closed my eyes and before I knew it her hand went straight across my face leaving stings on my cheek and then a punch to the gut. I fall to my knee's I saw my Mum's shadow leave the room I couldn't help but cough. I walked over to my bed and hopped in .  I found it hard to sleep with sore ribs . I just closed my eyes and fell into a light sleep .

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