Dancing Is The Easy Part

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Loving someone is easy. You see a person, you get drawn towards them for some unknown reason and then - Bang! You find yourself admiring that person, wanting to see them everyday, talk to them every minute and hold them close to you and never let go. Falling in love is as simple as that and you can't control it. But whatever comes after that, it's far from easy. Nope, buddy.

Making that person fall in love with you too? That's hard. Watching that person from a distance knowing that they don't even know you exist? Difficult. And watching that person loving someone else? Damn, that's painful! And I was fully familiar with that feeling because I was a stupid, dumb girl who fell in love with that one person no one should ever fall in love with - Dylan.

I was the shy, reserved girl whom everyone liked but never got close with. I was the invisible girl with my nose always buried in a book. I was the girl who was expected to be a smart lab partner to boys, but not an appropriate date. I was the girl who was always forgotten to be invited to a party or a social gathering.

And Dylan was just the opposite - hot, athletic, social, playboy, mannerless, sarcastic with a very dirty mind and a very sexy girlfriend Sydney who kept rushing in and out of his life for like, a million times. They always fought and broke up, but the next day they would be seen making out in public like it was the end of the world.

And me? I kept my feelings hidden, admiring the silly boy from afar, peeking shy glances at him and quickly looking down at my book whenever I thought he had noticed. I would smile whenever I caught a glimpse of him, giggle to myself whenever I imagined him and me together and then blush alone at the thoughts that would run through my mind.

But whenever I saw him with Sydney, I noticed the love that shone in his eyes for her. He adored the girl even though they fought a lot. He'd flirt with random girls, except for me of course, but he had a special place in his heart that was reserved particularly only for Sydney. In those times I felt hurt and envy. I'd realize what a fool I was and my heart would shatter into pieces along with my stupid, hopeful dreams but deep inside, I was happy that he had someone who loved him and made him smile.

And now here I was, dressed in a secondhand gown that belonged to Flora, watching the man of my dreams dancing lovingly with his beloved amidst thousands of students. I sighed and tried to avert my eyes, but they eventually found him again as if he was a magnet and my eyes were iron. I felt sorrow and jealousy, but what could I do about it? Only cry into my pillow later that evening. I hated prom.


A familiar voice jostled me into reality and I turned around to see none other than Alan, standing nervously.

"Alan", I greeted politely, hoping that he hadn't noticed me staring at Dylan.

"You look beautiful", he complimented. I looked like a potato sack but nevertheless, I appreciated his words.

"Thank you, you look great too", I replied honestly.

"So. . .um. . . Would you like to dance?", he asked nervously.

I didn't want to dance. I wanted to refuse. But for a second, I imagined myself in his position. I imagined myself asking Dylan for a dance while he declined and I could almost feel my heart wrenching at the thought. I looked at Alan and noticed the hope in his eyes already faltering at my silence.

No, I could not let anybody else feel this way. I did not want them to feel the pain I was feeling. It was horrid. And anyway, this was the end of our life at High School and who knew if we would ever meet again? At least I would make someone else happy and make their prom night a wonderful one.

"Sure", I smiled and we made our way towards the dance floor.

Sometimes, life doesn't work out the way we want it to and we feel angry, sad and frustrated. But maybe, for once, we should let life take its own course and just go along with it. Possibilities and opportunities will gradually come our way and who knows, we may find happiness in the strangest places.

You never know.

The End.

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