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A scream was heard through the house. Lucy quickly opened her eyes. This was nothing new, every night it was the same. She went to her sister Natalia's bed, Lucy knew that she was probably crying from hearing mom and dad fight. Lucy saw a drop of tear falling down on her sister cheek. Lucy satt down beside her and whispered to Natalia that everything was going to be fine but deep down Lucy new it would only get worse.

One night was different, Lucy woke up hearing a scream but when she looked at her sister bed but her sister weren't there. She got up from her bed and opened the door slow and quiet. In the hallway she saw her mom lying on the floor with her face down but she couldn't see her sister anywhere. Suddenly a scream was heard but this scream was different. Lucy slowly went down the hallway until she reached the kitchen and when she turned around the corner to look. She saw her father hitting and hurting Natalia, who was crying, which made her mind go totally blank. Next thing she knew she had a bloody knife in her hand and was staring straight in to her fathers dead eyes. Lucy saw her own reflection in his eyes. The reflection was crystal clear and she could see her blue eyes turn red. In fear she looked away and faced her mom, who was looking straight at her. Lucy could see that she was frightened from what she had just witness.

It's been two days since the accident and Lucy's been locked up in her room since then. After having processed everything her mom locked her in her room. Lucy was scared and was sitting with her legs tucked in and face down in a corner of the room. Tears were coming from her eyes. "Was it wrong for me to save my sister from my dad? Why haven't mom come to comfort me like she always did?" she thought. Lucy was really confused and sad.

Lucy is forced to look up when the door opens slowly. She looks at her mom coming through the door and she see clearly that her mom is acting Strange. Lucy's mom walked towards her and than held her hand out and said

"Lucy sweetie, don't be afraid. There are two adults down the hall and are waiting for you, to take you to a safe place".
Lucy reached for her mom's hand and held it tight. They walked through the door, not knowing that it would be the last time she would see her room. Lucy's grip of her mom's hand tightens as she sees the two men staying by the door. One of them smiled at Lucy and said

"Hi Lucy, my name is Dr. George Stevens and this is my coworker Mark Andersson and we will be taking care of you from now on". Lucy just nodded.

"Mom" Lucy finally said as she and the two men were about to leave.

"Yes sweetie" her mom answered.

"Will you and Natalia visit me"?
Her mom nodded and than Lucy saw her mom turn away and close the door. Lucy became a little bit happy from seeing her mom nod to her question. She followed the two men quietly to a rather big black car. The car were too high for Lucy to get into the car herself so she got help from Mark. He smiled at Lucy as he helped her. Lucy really liked that smile, it made her feel safe. Lucy jumped a little when the car started and it began to drive away from her house. She looked through the car window and saw her house further and further away. Lucy felt a tear roll down her cheek but she wasn't that sad because the thought that her mother and sister would visit her made her feel a bit better.

The stopped right in front of a old gate. On the gate it said Paradis Garden Asylum. Dr George Stevens rolled down the car window and took a card of some sort out of his pocket and put it in a machine. The gate opened and the car drove forward through the gate. The care drove on a long road with an avenue of trees along both sides of the road. Behind the trees, you could see flowers in different colours on meadows. Lucy was amazed of how pretty it was. She started to see a house at the end of the long road. The house kept getting bigger and bigger, as the care drove forward. Lucys amazement quickly disappeared when the car reached its destination. The house turned out to be a big mansion and it did not fit in with the beautiful road she just had been on. The car stopped right in front of the mansions huge double door. Just as Lucy jumped out of the car the door opened and a young woman came out. Lucy just stod there looking at her while she was walking towards the car. The woman scared Lucy but she felt safe when Mark stepped out of the car and took her hand and started walking to the door. The young woman stopped and started to talk with Dr. Stevens. Lucy looked back at them talking and it looked it was a really serious conversation. Suddenly dr Stevens and the woman ran up to them and said

"Lucy, Mark will help you get settled in, I need to do something and than I will come and see how you've settled in". Dr Stevens and the woman ran in through the door and disappeared.

The interior behind the huge door weren't that different from a normal hospital except it was not as bright as a hospital normally would be like. As Lucy holding Mark's hand walked through the door they entered a big lobby. They walked to a desk were an older lady were sitting behind.

"So this is the kid Dr George were talking about" the older lady said as soon as they reached the desk.

"yes, and she needs to know which room she will be staying in".

"Well of course" the older woman answered and started to look at the computer.

"She will be staying in the kids ward, in room 415". The older woman finally said after they had been standing there for a while, as she was searching. Mark took a key with the 415 number tagged on it from the old lady and took Lucys hand and started to walk towards the elevator.

The elevator stopped at the 4th floor. The floor were really colourful than the lobby and it really suited children. They turned left and walked along a narrow corridor with doors on each side. After have walked a bit dow the corridor they reached a red door with the number 415 on it.

"This will your new room" Mark said while he unlocked the door. As the door opened Lucy could see her new room. It was neat, but not as pretty or fun as her room at home was. The walls were a light yellow colour and instead of a window there were a panting of a window with flowers in the background. A bed were standing beside one of the longer sides of the room with red bed covers. Mark explained that this is her room and if she goes back,past the elevator, there is a common area were everyone can meet and that there's also a dinning hall were you'll eat. He also explained that she could roam freely in this area but she can't go anywhere else without Dr. Stanley's permission.

Lucy was alone in her room and she decided to look around. The door were a little bit heavy for Lucy to close it properly but she almost managed to close. She walked down the hallway, past the elevator and found a big room. She saw only three kids there and one of them were playing and the other two just sat there doing nothing except staring into the wall. Lucy thought it was strange and it made her a little bit scared. Even if the interior were neat and the adults looked really kind, the other kids were kind of frightening. She builded up courage and said "hi" to the kids. The only one to turn around and answer was the girl, who were playing alone. Lucy walked towards the kid and sat down beside her.

"My name is Lucy, what's yours?"

"My name is Azalea, like the flower " she answered.

Lucy and Azalea spend the rest of the day playing and talking. Lucy went back to her room and got ready for bed. She was happy that she had found a new friend in this place because it made this situation so much easier. She crawled in to bed and closed her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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