Nightmare On Christmas

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The Harrison family was just a normal family. The only thing different about them was that they didn't celebrate Christmas like the other families in town. People in town didn't mind, most of them didn't even know they didn't celebrate Christmas. But one family, the Miller's loved Christmas so much, that they hated the Harrison family for not celebrating it.

It was Christmas night. The Harrison family was at the dinner table eating pasta. Everything seemed fine. The children were talking about how their day went at school. And the parents were talking about how their day went at work. But then they heard a loud thump on top of their roof. Most children would be screaming saying "it's Santa! It's Santa!" But the Harrison kids, Mavis and Tate grabbed the sharpest thing near them. The parents Dimitri and Carson both grab their rifles that sits next to the tv. The family walks up to the door with their weapons in their had. Carson opened the door slowly as she peeked through the door. She saw nothing. As she began to close the door it swung open hitting her in the face causing her to fall to the ground. Mavis, Tate and Dimitri stood there waiting for something to appear. Nothing did. Dimitri walk over to the door and quickly closed it and locked it. Dimitri and the kids picked Carson up and laid her on the couch and put an ice packet on her head.

That night Dimitri decided to leave Carson rest on the couch rather than wake her by putting her to bed. Mavis was woken up by the sounds of her mother screaming. She quickly woke up her brother Tate and ran to wake her father. Once they got down stairs there was Carson, all bloody. Dead. Mavis and Tate fell to their knees and began to cry. Before they could turn around and run into their fathers arms Dimitri was stabbed in the back. When the kids stood up they saw a figure that looked like a man. He looked like he had a long white beard and a red suit. Before Mavis and Tate say anything the figure grabbed one of the rifles and shot both of them in the head. The figure then stood into the light revealing who he was. Santa Claus.

To this day nobody knows the true story about Santa Claus or what happened on Christmas day.

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