Chapter One: Who

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I walk onto the bus, and everyone stares at me. 'They're judging you.' My inner voice says. 'I know, but we can't stop it anyway.' I think to myself. A girl in a pink shirt and black skirt stands up, "Excuse me, but to ride this bus you have to pay." She says, motioning for money in her hand with pink nails. I look at the bleach blonde wearing pink heels and shake my head no. "Excuse me bitch?! Give me the damn money and sit on the bus!" She yells at me angrily and starts trying to search me. "What are you hiding?! Maybe a razor to cut yourself you attention whore!" She screams, going through my pockets while I'm shoving her off me. I backup and trip over her friend's foot. I fall onto the ground and the girl high-fives her friend. "Nice job Anna!" "No problem Tiffany! I saw you were having trouble and decided to help." The girl I guess is named Tiffany puts her finger infront of Anna's mouth, "Ah, what did I say about deciding?" She asks Anna like she's a five year old. "Don't." She says simply, as if she's been brain washed. The bus jerks back and we start moving, so I run to the last seat in the back of the bus and sit down. I set down my large black backpack and try to find my phone. 'It's not there. That Tiffany girl stole it.' I think and get up and grab it from her hands as she takes a selfie with it. "Hey! Give it back bitch!" She yells at me. I shake my head and go for my seat when the bus starts again. She sits back down in her seat angrily and I just smile. A jock guy wearing a red football jersey and basket ball shorts that is sitting in the seat next to mine looks at me and stands up, "Can my girlfriend have her phone back please?" I shake my head and type in the notes, 'It's my phone that she stole from me while she tried to take my money.' And he looks at her. "My precious angel would never do that," she sits next to him, "Right sweetie?" He asks, looking at her with loving eyes and puts his arm around her. She puts her head on his shoulder and says, "I'll let her keep it, my dad can just buy me another one." She smiles. "That's my sweet girlfriend." He says and they sit together in the seat next to me. 'I wish someone looked at me like that.' I think to myself. 'No one's going to look at you like that if all you do is wear baggy hoodies and pants and harm yourself.' My inner voice says. 'Well they don't know about the last one.' 'Yet.' 'Yeah, yet..' I face plant into the seat in front of me and realize I'm at my new school. I just moved here by the way. I get up and get at the back of the line, behind Tiffany's boyfriend. After a while, I'm finally off the bus and walk into the school. All around me I hear the judgemental whispers and mumbles of the people around me. "Hey! Who's the freak dude in the hoodie!" I hear some boy yell at me. I run to the girls bathroom and the other girls run out thinking I am a boy as well. I look in the mirror and sigh. 'I'm an ugly, pathetic excuse of a human being.' I look into my own black eyes and long black hair with bangs swept to the right. My baggy black hoodie and black skinny jeans make me stand out a lot. Also, in a rush, I put on one black sock and one white, vise versa with the shoes. I walk out of the girls bathroom and someone in a white, short sleeve shirt, white shorts, and opposite socks and shoes of my own walks up to me. "Hi! Welcome to your new school! I'm Yang and I get to show you to your classes today." He smiles and I see he has short white hair with bangs swept to the left and amazing white eyes. I wave to him and he gives me a copy of my schedule. "Let's go to your first class." He looks at the schedule and hums lightly, "PE huh? Let's go!" He says and takes me to my locker. "Just throw your backpack in here and we can go to PE." I open my locker and literally throw my backpack in the locker and slam it shut. Yang pulls me to the gym and we sit next to each other. I type in my notes once again, 'Don't you have to go to class as well Yang?' He looks at it and says, "No, my classes got canceled for today. Can you not talk?" I shake my head no, "So you can talk?" He asks. I nod yes and type, 'I just don't like to.' and look at him. He scratches the back of his neck and asks me, "So, what's your name anyway?" I type on my phone quickly, 'Yin, nice to meet you Yang.' He chuckles and says, "Nice to met you. I'm guessing your parents like Chinese tales too?" I nod quickly and put my phone away. The coach comes in and speaks, "Morning class, I'm Coach Donald and you're going to be here for at least the next semester." And I zone out, because I honestly don't care about him or his story at the moment. I can ask Yang later if need be. 'Is this like having a friend?' 'I don't know, I'm you and you haven't had one in a while.' 'I know. Maybe this school will be different?' 'I doubt it with that Tiffany girl.' 'Yeah.' "Yin? Earth to Yin." I blink quickly and look at the coach, mouthing sorry. "Anyway class." I stop paying attention once again. 'Maybe this school'll be different.. Hopefully...'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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