On the run

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Thalia hated being chased by giant blue butt dudes. What could be worse than being chased by ice - blowing giants during Christmas? Except your MIA parents- one who is a god and the other,  mum who throws two year olds off a cliff. That's the limit of fun right?
Not a chance.
You'd think the gods would give the girl a break. Hell no. The life of a demigod is never simple.
Luke, Thalia and Annabeth had been ambushed by two very huge and hairy Hyperborean giants just as they were approaching Manhattan. During the chase, the three of them had been separated and she hoped, for Annabeth's sake that she was with Luke. Somehow, Thalia managed to outrun the giant that had followed her.
Well, until now.
She turned the corner hoping to find them on the way but instead caught herself at a dead end. She prayed to the gods in fear as the giant slowly advanced.
All of a sudden, the giant went still and crumpled with a thud to the ground. Behind him stood Luke, injured and scratched in bloodied clothes. For a moment, fear filled her, she couldn't see Annabeth with him. Relief came only when she spotted Annabeth peeping at her from behind him. With a cry of relief, she ran towards them, giving each a tight hug.
"You okay Annabeth?"
"Never better", she replied with a smile.
" How about you Thalia? ", Luke asked, his blue eyes filled with worry.
" I'll be okay" , she replied, trying to muster a smile for Annabeth's sake.
"It's getting cold, let's find someplace to stay for tonight, yeah?" Luke said, laying a protective arm on each of them.
" Yes please ", Annabeth said, leaning further into him.


As the day wore on, the three hadn't found any place to stay yet. Luke got worried as it was getting colder and it would be dark soon.
They passed by hundreds of stores, filled with Christmas goodies and families having fun together and with a pang he realized that Greek or not, Annabeth was a little girl and would definitely feel bad. He was their family, he knew he had to do something for them, to show them how much he loved them.
They reached central park a while later and decided to set camp for the night.
" Thalia, Annabeth, you stay here and I'll be right back. I'll find something for us to eat. Stay alert." Luke said, retreating the way they had come.
" Come back soon!" Annabeth said, while Thalia nodded in understanding.


It had been a few hours and Luke  hadn't returned yet. Thalia and Annabeth had enjoyed the few hours that they'd had, cleaning themselves up, braiding each others' hair and taking rest. But as the night wore on, they got worried and Annabeth started to cry. Thalia tried to comfort her, but it was in vain.
Finally, Luke emerged into the clearing, hands full, carrying food and Christmas hats for the three of them. As soon as he saw the state Annabeth was in, he dropped everything in his hands and ran up to her and tried to console her.
" Annabeth! What's wrong?", He asked examining her for any form of injury.
"You took a long time, she thought you wouldn't come back " she said, sitting down next to the both of them.
"Hey, Annabeth, don't you ever think like that again. I would never leave you like that. The three of us are a family and it will stay like that  forever, and that's my promise" he said.
" Pinky promise? "
"Yup", he said smiling, then added" Now brighten up, I brought you both a little something for Christmas".
Together, the three of them unwrapped all the food he'd managed to bring and started to eat. They hadn't had a proper meal in many days.
After eating as much as they could, they wore their hats and started to sing songs and Luke and Thalia narrated Greek stories for Annabeth.
The three of them enjoyed so much that night, none of them ever having had a Christmas this special before. After all, blood doesn't define family.

Beyond blood ties (luke,annabeth and thalia)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें