The Escape

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Being an Evans sucked, well at least for me. I was the youngest Evans, twin to the Soul "Eater" Evans. I was considered a disgrace the moment I was born, only two minutes after my brother. My parents then took me home from the hospital. On the way home they dropped me off with a mortal family who had never wanted a child but had wanted some easy cash which I could provide so they took me in. My "father" was abusive both physically and mentally and my "mother" would take me to "work" and sell me for extra cash. My real parents never came back for me and never informed anyone that they had had me, they had burned my birth certificate and everything that could be connected to me. My name is Shina Izumi Evans and I hate being an Evans.

I got ready for the day throwing on a pair of comfortable skinny jeans and a large t-shirt, I ran down stairs hoping my "father" was still asleep which luckily he was. I quickly made breakfast and woke him up putting the plate next to him and headed to the park near my house I focused on the energy around and within me and willed my soul to form a weapon. A beautiful rifle appeared in the air with unlimited bullets. I aimed at a bird above me and fired.  The bullet hit its mark and slowly disappeared back into energy. Then I focused on creating something other than my trusty blade that had helped me through my times of need. The sword was always so fast and I never could fully form it so right now it was just a simple katana. I focused my energy and it started to take on color but a cars horn startled me and brought me out of my concentration. My mother sat in a sleek new car infront of the entrance to the playground a man of about 40 sat in the drivers seat looking at me with lust in his eyes. I shivered at his perverted stare but got in the car all the same it was apparently time to go to "work."

Over the next few weeks I learned to control my energy and could form the sword although it had not yet chosen its final form. The next time I would conjure the sword I would name it and it would show its final and true form, and at that time I would connect "it" to me and we would be joined.

Three days later-

Today was like every other day I woke up sore from the night before and got ready heading downstairs to make my father breakfast. He shouted my name as I stood at the top of the stairs, I could hear his lumbering form come up behind me and I felt two large grimy hands place themselves on my back and push me. I tumbled down the stairs letting out a yelp as my father stood at the top of the stairs laughing and grinning like a maniac. I stood up nursing my arm which had been broken but my father decided that I hadn't felt enough pain he walked down the stairs and pushed me down again before slamming his foot onto my broken arm and squishing it painfully. I grimaced but released no sound or tears as I stared up at the old man. I got up and walked into the kitchen to begin making breakfast as my arm began to reset itself and heal. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I'm an exceptionally fast healer it comes from the experiments one of the women my mom sold me to did when I was younger. She was a dirty witch who was experimenting on her own son I felt really bad for him we had grown sort of close over the year I spent there but he had probably forgotten me. When I was finished making breakfast I took it to my father and walked out of the house going to train in the woods near the DWMA where I could spy on the students and learn techniques and watch my older brother and make sure he was doing ok.
Now you're wondering why I care about my brother when I hate being an Evans well it's because he's still my twin I still feel a connection to him and it's not his fault he never met me nor was told I even existed. I arrived at the woods shortly after I had left my house and began my training. I willed my soul to form a katana with the energy around me the result was my trusty blade which I named Resi. Resi was a pure white katana the blade made of a metal stronger than any other metal created and the hilt was made of titanium with black cloth covering it. I slashed the sword in a wide arc around my head and the trees surrounding me were destroyed, I sighed today was the day I joined Resi with my body and made "it" a part of me. I used Resi to slice a star into my hip the blood then was sucked up into the blade causing it to glow a deep red. I set the blade on the ground I front of me and watched as my soul turned the blade into a real living human being. I grabbed the pair of shorts and t-shirt I had stolen from one of my clients and turned back to see a boy a little older than me standing there. I handed him the clothes and turned around waiting for him to change, when I turned back around he began to speak, "Shina how did you do it!? I was never supposed to be given life it was my curse you knew that!" I shrunk back not used to being yelled at by him, "I know I'm sorry I just really wanted a friend and well I needed someone to help me escape from my parents." I stood there sheepishly he looked at me once and sighed turning back into weapon form and being absorbed into my body where the mark was.

I sighed and walked back home knowing that Resi now most likely hated me, when I walked in the door my mother was waiting for me with the car running. Running upstairs I changed into a tube top that showed my toned stomach and a short black skirt that made sure to show off my assets. I climbed into my mothers car and she peeled out of driveway driving downtown to drop me of at one of her best customers. I walked up to the door and knocked three times before the door was opened, the man yanked me into the door way and led me to his room. He smirked and handcuffed me to his bed as I squirmed realizing that Resi could see everything that was happening to me. And with that thought I began to silently cry as he had his way with me but before it could go to far a bright flash of light came from my side and Resi appeared next to the man and cut his head from his neck. I looked away in shame and embarrassment as he looked down at my pitiful naked form. He cut off the handcuffs and I put my clothes back on as he went back into the mark, I walked back out and began to walk home the street lights flickering ominously. Suddenly as I was rounding a corner a young woman covered in blood ran into me, she got up and began to run again as I looked up and saw an man with claws for hands covered in blood he looked down at me and licked his lips preparing to swipe down at me with his claws and kill me. But before he could my arm transformed into the scythe that I hated and was blocking the blow. I turned and appeared back behind the man separating his waist from his hips. His soul bounced in the air glowing a soft red, I called Resi out and held the soul out to him. He snatched it from my hands and disappeared back inside of the mark. I sighed before walking back home.

Hey guys this is a new book that has been in development for a few weeks and I'm really excited about it! I will update this book when I am having trouble with my other books and whenever I can. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I look forward to seeing you in the next, biaaa!

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