The Same Old, Same Old

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   I'm Lilly Ann. I'm fifteen and if you ask me what my hobbies are all I can tell you is band. I'm a total band geek, like the geekiest of all band geeks. I'm serious, like if there was a competition for who's the biggest band geek/nerd I'd win the grand prize. Anyway, so moving on. Everyday I wake up, get ready unwillingly, and head to school. Once I get to school I go straight to, can you guess it, yep that's right the band hall. All my friends are usually in there except for a couple that aren't in band. Then my first period is just a homeroom period, which mine is band. Then the real school day begins. I go to Pre-AP Geometry, then Spanish 1, then Science, and finally I go to lunch where my friends and I sit outside at the table we have claimed and talk about all the weird things we talk about. After the bell rings to go back to class I head to art and start working on whatever things we have to do at that time. Then once the bell rings I always, even though I don't really have to, rush to band for band class. Band isn't always my favorite class or part of the day, but it's one of the only classes were I have sat and just listened while my director worked with the rest of the band and I just felt at peace or when I'm playing and I really put so much emotion into it and I wish our whole band could do that or when the whole band is having a really good day and we sound amazing, forever wishing we could sound like that ALL the time. Anyway sorry for babbling on again it's just band might not be my favorite thing ALL the time, but it is really there for me at times. After band is over and go to seventh period, Pre-AP English. Then after that class I go to eighth period, my last class, which is World History. Then finally I wait for my mom to pick me up since I can't drive yet and don't have a car to do so anyway :/...Anddd that's the story of how my life goes other than just sitting at home on the weekends...Just the same old, same old.

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