The Italy Bros. Curl Part 1

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(This part one of Italy Bros. Curl, hope you like it!)

You walk over to the house of your two best friends, Italy and Romano. They were brothers and looked almost identical. You ring the door bell, "Italy, Romano I came to visit !"

Italy opens the door and sprints to go hug you. "Bella, You're here!!!" says Italy."Haha hi Italy " You say.

"Come in Bella me and Romano were waiting for you~ " You walk inside the house to see Romano sitting in the couch watching tv. "Hi Romano!" You say. "Oh looked what the cat dragged in." Romano says while looking at me. Romano always acts that way towards you so you shrugged it off. "Ready to watched the movie?~" says Italy happily. "You bet!" You sit in between Romano and Italy on the couch and turns to the movie. Suddenly both of their curls catch your eye and you wondered what they did.

Romano catches you staring and says, "Don't even think about it __-__" He turns back to watched the movie. You always starts watching the movie again while thinking, "I'm going to touch their curls when they least expect it!" Finally finding the time to touch the curls you do so. Both Italy and Romano turn red and groans a bit. Curious still, you pull both curls at full force. "BELLA W-WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?!" yells the blushing Italy. "S-stupid didn't I say not to do that?!?!?" screamed Romano. "What all I wanted to know was what the curls did!"

Something then made them tick as they pushed you to the floor looking at you with fierce eyes. "Oh ___-__ you're going to find out in a bit..." growls Romano. "You touched our curls... now you have to pay __-__..." says Italy with lust. "Wh-what Italy, Romano what happened to y-" You are then silenced by Romano as he roughly kissed your lips. With your eyes opens wide, you try to process what happened. Then you feel Italy kissing your neck. You groan from the touch into Romano's lips. Romano pulls away so you can both catch your breath. Italy and Romano pulls your clothes off frantically.

"I-Italy... Romano... why are you doing this..?" you say. "Didn't we already tell you __-__? It's because you pulled our curls." says the two brothers simultaneously.

(More coming up! Please be nice this is my first lemon ;_;, see you in the next story Part 2!!)

The Italy Bros. Curl Part 1Where stories live. Discover now