Is that...calum hood!

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Hi guys this is my first fan fiction and I really hope you like it if your Calum girl I think you will really like this fanfic❤️

Alli's POV:
Hi my name is Alli smith and right now I am really frustrated because I can't find my car keys and all I really want right know is a Carmel hot fudge milkshake from Starbucks. "Ahh found them" I ran out the the door and straight to the car my long wavy black hair blowing in the wind while I try to fix my dark grey scarf. I wasn't really craving Starbucks until my best friend Leah texted me and called me to come cause there has been seeing this really cute blonde guy with a lip piercing, the way she was describing him he kinda sounded like Luke hemmings but I put that thought at the back of my mind cause You really don't wanna see me fangirling. Anyways this blonde guy has been coming for the past few days and she wants me too seem cause she apparently has been crushing really hard on him and me being the great friend I am decided to get my ass out of bed and help my friend with her boy problems.

Calum's POV:
"omg why is there no parking spaces anywhere here, Starbucks sucks man" I said to my mate Luke, I Begged Luke to come to Starbucks with me so he can finally get the balls to talk to this girl he has been keeping his eye on for a while now she's pretty but she's not my type I guess. We walked into Starbucks and Luke nudged me towards the the girl he was crushing on. There was a girl standing next to her with long wavy black hair,black ripped jeans with knee cut holes (kinda-like mine) with a green day t-shirt and black converse.okay now this girl is my type.
Alli's POV:
Leah pinched my arm pointed to a blonde guy and a really cute guy next to him wait "umm Leah is THAT CALUM HOOD AND LUKE HEMMINGS" I whisper shouted.

Feel free to leave anyone comments feedback would be great!💓

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